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Hotspots through an eoip tunnel?

Mon Apr 02, 2007 7:23 pm

I am trying to make an eoip tunnel the interface of a HotSpot server. I'm using the HotSpot setup. When I use a laptop connected to the other end of the tunnel (the eoip tunnel is bridged to an atheros 2.4GHz AP), I get a DHCP address but can't ping the eoip interface that has the gateway address from the laptop. Is it possible to use an eoip interface like this? Am I doing something wrong? Is the problem bridging the 2.4GHz AP to the eoip?

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Mon Apr 02, 2007 11:28 pm

did you check the hosts section of HOtspot?

i maybe be blocking all traffic, including pings, from your mac address, you can set it to bypass for testing.

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