I have a MikroTik with a PPPoE connection for WAN with a static /48 prefix which I then split into my various networks of /64. It has the following IPv6 configuration, which allows a workstation/device to get an IPv6 address from the Microsoft DHCPv6 server on the same VLAN.
Windows PCs, iOS devices, Macs all work perfectly and receive a single IP from the DHCPv6 server, setup a /64 prefix and can router traffic with IPv6 fine.
The problem is Linux machines, various distributions and even Raspbian on a Raspberry Pi; they get an IP but they have a /128 prefix.
If i turn on autonomous then the machines auto-configure with the several IPv6 addresses (with the correct /64 prefix) and work perfectly, however I wanted to use stateful DHCPv6.
Code: Select all
# nov/07/2018 16:58:34 by RouterOS 6.43.4
# model = RouterBOARD 3011UiAS
/ipv6 address
add address=2a02:XX:YY::1 interface=vlan2
/ipv6 nd
set [ find default=yes ] disabled=yes
add interface=vlan2 managed-address-configuration=yes
/ipv6 nd prefix default
set autonomous=no