I installed a new ltap mini LTE and it worked first time - LTE connection was good and I had a "mobile" wifi device
I then installed it in the car with USB power and it would not work - and after probably 8 hours of trying to upgrade code and trying to access the modem etc I eventually took it back to the dealer as the LTE interface juts would not come up - thought it had gone faulty .
Then hey presto - the guy defaults the unit and the LTE interface comes up - BUT HE HAS THE 12V POWER attached
So I guess I could use the lighter jack and give 12v to the unit but this is quite a deficiency in the product if you ask me
This is more for information than actually expecting a fix as I suspect it is a hardware limitation - but it would be nice to see in some release notes or something
PS the GPS also needs the GPS package update - and an external GPS antennae kit (UFL to SMA(f) RP + ACGPSA GPS - the connector on the board is UFL - and the external antennae is SMA