I am using PPPoE to connect with my ISP device (it works as AP Bridge). I would like do find out a few things.
In this case PPPoE is configured on RB2011:
1. It can be a stupid question, but what is my WAN interface in this case ? PPPoE interface ( visible in interfaces) or ether1 interface(where i connected the cord) ? I do not know to which interface should i apply the basic rules like:
Code: Select all
add action=drop chain=forward comment="Drop new connections from internet which are not dst-natted" connection-nat-state=!dstnat connection-state=new in-interface=WAN
2.Is it safe to set RB2011 as a switch without any firewall rules (just to transfer internet over fiber) ?. I would like to use PPPoE to connect with internet directly from RB3011, then set up L2TP VPN on this device (through WAN3).
At this stage i configured RB2011 as PPPoE Client, Created bridge to send internet to RB3011. All works fine, but i need VPN to connect with LAN devices ;/
I think, its the easiest way. Will it work ?
3. How can i choose which WAN connection is used primary (i have 3 internet connection - ether1,ether2,sfp1). Ether 1 (WAN1) is used primary when connected, but it's the slowest one).