Hello everyone,
To do not spam i decided to create one post with a few questions which really bothers me. I'd be really
1. What is the difference between this two options ? :
How to set up dhcp server to always give specific MAC adress always the same IP adress (and never lease it to another MAC) ?
2. When i update my packages (system>packages) the version of routerboard (system>routerboard) doesnt change.I have to use Uprgarde button.
Why does it not update automatically ? Should i update it every time i update packages ?
3. What is a better aproach to prevent people to acces the Router ?
I know two ways, but have no idea which solution is better.
A) setting allowed IP addresses (in system>users) to an user and disabling services www etc. (ip>services)
B) setting firewall rule for dropping packets( in the nutshell - from selected ports-for example blocking 80 for browser etc, source list !support, destination address - Router)
4. I connected internet using PPPOE clinet in PPP submenu. Now i have 3 active interfaces - PPPOE client, ether1(where i physically connected ethernEt cable) and ether 2 (LAN).
Which port should i treat like a WAN ? The ether 1 or PPPOE interface ? I need this knowledge to set up essential Firewall rules (drop all from WAN etc)
Best Regards,