Well, I scared up a window box and tried the MT syslog server from the download page. Multiple ROS boxes set to log to that box with this configuration:
# apr/16/2007 13:36:01 by RouterOS 2.9.35
/ system logging
add topics=info,!firewall prefix="" action=disk disabled=no
add topics=critical prefix="" action=echo disabled=no
add topics=error prefix="" action=disk disabled=no
add topics=warning prefix="" action=disk disabled=no
add topics=info prefix="" action=memory disabled=no
add topics=firewall prefix="" action=FirewallHits disabled=no
add topics=info,account,warning,critical,error,pppoe,system prefix="ArcoPPPoE" \
action=remote disabled=no
/ system logging action
set memory name="memory" target=memory memory-lines=100 memory-stop-on-full=no
set disk name="disk" target=disk disk-lines=300 disk-stop-on-full=no
set echo name="echo" target=echo remember=yes
set remote name="remote" target=remote remote=
add name="FirewallHits" target=disk disk-lines=300 disk-stop-on-full=no
The only configuration variable between systems is the "Prefix" setting, otherwise, all are identical.
None log anything to the syslog server, even with the MT syslog daemon!
Either I've got something configured wrong, or syslogging is broken. If I had to bet, I'd bet it's my configuration - but I don't see how this could be not working. It's pretty simple configuration stuff, hard to screw up!