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BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 27, 2014 1:11 am

Pessoal gostaria de saber se alguém tem um script parecido como esse funcionando.
Seria o seguinte fazer o teste em outro mikrotik e mandar o resultado por email, sendo assim programo ele para ver se está passando a banda em determinado link.
Não estou conseguindo mandar o resultado do teste para o email.

:global i
/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=12s local-tx-speed=50M remote-tx-speed=50M user=login password=senha
:if ($status="running") do={
:set i $tx-current $rx-current
:delay 15s
/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth test results" body=("Transmitted bytes/s:" . $i)
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 27, 2014 6:55 pm

Make sure the "/tool bandwidth ... do={" is all on one line, and the variables with dashes are quoted. You could do something like this:

ros code

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=12s local-tx-speed=50M remote-tx-speed=50M user=login password=senha do={
  :if ($status="done testing") do={
	:local i ($"tx-current" . "/" . $"rx-current")
	/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth test results" body=("Transmitted bytes/s:" . $i)
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 27, 2014 9:02 pm

You can try my code, I just do. It sends information about the Bandwidth test and the name of the Board and the date / time.
Make sure you have set up a outgoing mail server
If you have information to improve the code, comment :D
:local txc
:local txcA
:local txcB
:local txcC

:local rxc
:local rxcA
:local rxcB
:local rxcC

:local rxta
:local rxtaA
:local rxtaB
:local rxtaC

:local txta
:local txtaA
:local txtaB
:local txtaC

:local sysname [/system identity get name]
:local datetime "$[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time]"

:log info "Bandwidth-test start"

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=30s user=BWT password=BWT do={

:set txcA ($"tx-current" / 1000)
:set txcB ($txcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txcC ($txcA - $txcB)
:set txcB ($txcB / 1000)
:set txc "$txcB.$txcC"

:set rxcA ($"rx-current" / 1000)
:set rxcB ($rxcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxcC ($rxcA - $rxcB)
:set rxcB ($rxcB / 1000)
:set rxc "$rxcB.$rxcC"

:set rxtaA ($"rx-total-average" / 1000)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxtaC ($rxtaA - $rxtaB)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaB / 1000)
:set rxta "$rxtaB.$rxtaC"

:set txtaA ($"tx-total-average" / 1000)
:set txtaB ($txtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txtaC ($txtaA - $txtaB)
:set txtaB ($txtaB / 1000)
:set txta "$txtaB.$txtaC"


:log info "Bandwidth-test done, sending info by e-mail"

/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth-test done : $sysname" body="$sysname \n  $datetime \n \n Result : \n TX speed $txc Mbps/s \n RX speed $rxc Mbps/s \n \n TX total average $txta Mbps/s \n RX total average $rxta Mbps/s"
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Fri Feb 28, 2014 1:20 am

thank you


Wagner Nascimento
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Mon Sep 15, 2014 11:21 pm

i have the menssage mikrotik>: invalid FROM adress

someone have the solution?
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Sun Feb 14, 2016 8:33 am

This works pretty good. Thanks for the effort you put in creating it.

Wondering if there is a way to take this and create a file with the data.

What I would like to do is take the data and graph it in excel. Perhaps a script that runs the speed test and ands a line in a text file, with " , " as the delimeter, and place it on a USB drive connected to the routerboard. I have SMB sharing on so I can access that share over the network. Makes it easy to access the file.

The reason, I am trying to figure out when the wireless link gets bad. SO I want to run this every half hour and get some metrics as to what the speeds are during what time, and watch if there is any changes. Not a permanent running script, but only when I want to test the links.

Thanks for any help on that.
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:37 pm


I,m trying to run the script on a CCR with 6.34.1v

I can see the speed test running, them the log info: Bandwidth-test done, sending info by e-mail , but not email received at all. The /tool email configuration is ok, with other script we use works fine.

Could you help us?

Many thanks!

Best regards!!!
You can try my code, I just do. It sends information about the Bandwidth test and the name of the Board and the date / time.
Make sure you have set up a outgoing mail server
If you have information to improve the code, comment :D
:local txc
:local txcA
:local txcB
:local txcC

:local rxc
:local rxcA
:local rxcB
:local rxcC

:local rxta
:local rxtaA
:local rxtaB
:local rxtaC

:local txta
:local txtaA
:local txtaB
:local txtaC

:local sysname [/system identity get name]
:local datetime "$[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time]"

:log info "Bandwidth-test start"

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=30s user=BWT password=BWT do={

:set txcA ($"tx-current" / 1000)
:set txcB ($txcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txcC ($txcA - $txcB)
:set txcB ($txcB / 1000)
:set txc "$txcB.$txcC"

:set rxcA ($"rx-current" / 1000)
:set rxcB ($rxcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxcC ($rxcA - $rxcB)
:set rxcB ($rxcB / 1000)
:set rxc "$rxcB.$rxcC"

:set rxtaA ($"rx-total-average" / 1000)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxtaC ($rxtaA - $rxtaB)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaB / 1000)
:set rxta "$rxtaB.$rxtaC"

:set txtaA ($"tx-total-average" / 1000)
:set txtaB ($txtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txtaC ($txtaA - $txtaB)
:set txtaB ($txtaB / 1000)
:set txta "$txtaB.$txtaC"


:log info "Bandwidth-test done, sending info by e-mail"

/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth-test done : $sysname" body="$sysname \n  $datetime \n \n Result : \n TX speed $txc Mbps/s \n RX speed $rxc Mbps/s \n \n TX total average $txta Mbps/s \n RX total average $rxta Mbps/s"
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Wed Feb 17, 2016 3:42 pm

Did you edit the line in the script
" /tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth-test done..... "

to have your email address? Its near the bottom
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Tue Mar 15, 2016 8:42 pm

Can be done this bandwidth test separately send and receive. (not both)
CPU load is too high for both measurements simultaneously
Thanks for your reply

You can try my code, I just do. It sends information about the Bandwidth test and the name of the Board and the date / time.
Make sure you have set up a outgoing mail server
If you have information to improve the code, comment :D
:local txc
:local txcA
:local txcB
:local txcC

:local rxc
:local rxcA
:local rxcB
:local rxcC

:local rxta
:local rxtaA
:local rxtaB
:local rxtaC

:local txta
:local txtaA
:local txtaB
:local txtaC

:local sysname [/system identity get name]
:local datetime "$[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time]"

:log info "Bandwidth-test start"

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=30s user=BWT password=BWT do={

:set txcA ($"tx-current" / 1000)
:set txcB ($txcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txcC ($txcA - $txcB)
:set txcB ($txcB / 1000)
:set txc "$txcB.$txcC"

:set rxcA ($"rx-current" / 1000)
:set rxcB ($rxcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxcC ($rxcA - $rxcB)
:set rxcB ($rxcB / 1000)
:set rxc "$rxcB.$rxcC"

:set rxtaA ($"rx-total-average" / 1000)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set rxtaC ($rxtaA - $rxtaB)
:set rxtaB ($rxtaB / 1000)
:set rxta "$rxtaB.$rxtaC"

:set txtaA ($"tx-total-average" / 1000)
:set txtaB ($txtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set txtaC ($txtaA - $txtaB)
:set txtaB ($txtaB / 1000)
:set txta "$txtaB.$txtaC"


:log info "Bandwidth-test done, sending info by e-mail"

/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth-test done : $sysname" body="$sysname \n  $datetime \n \n Result : \n TX speed $txc Mbps/s \n RX speed $rxc Mbps/s \n \n TX total average $txta Mbps/s \n RX total average $rxta Mbps/s"
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Wed Feb 13, 2019 4:00 am

Make sure the "/tool bandwidth ... do={" is all on one line, and the variables with dashes are quoted. You could do something like this:

ros code

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=12s local-tx-speed=50M remote-tx-speed=50M user=login password=senha do={
  :if ($status="done testing") do={
	:local i ($"tx-current" . "/" . $"rx-current")
	/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth test results" body=("Transmitted bytes/s:" . $i)
Hi Guys,
I followed the instructions of @skot, It worked but I want ("Transmitted bytes/s:" . $i) to ("Transmitted Mpbs/s:" . $i)
Ex: Transmitted bytes/s:232836416/257019080 = Transmitted Mbps/s:23.2Mbps/25.7Mbps
Can someone please help me?
Thanks so much!!!!
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 14, 2019 5:59 am


Great work!, but it does not work on 6.43.12, I sent the original code with a small fix on the variables, then you will receive the email with the test results.

Code: Select all

:local txc
:local txcA
:local txcB
:local txcC

:local rxc
:local rxcA
:local rxcB
:local rxcC

:local rxta
:local rxtaA
:local rxtaB
:local rxtaC

:local txta
:local txtaA
:local txtaB
:local txtaC

:local sysname [/system identity get name]
:local datetime "$[/system clock get date] $[/system clock get time]"

:log info "Bandwidth-test start"

/tool bandwidth-test YOURIP protocol=tcp direction=both duration=30s user=YOURUSER password=YOURUSERPASSWORD do={

:set $txcA ($"tx-current" / 1000)
:set $txcB ($txcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set $txcC ($txcA - $txcB)
:set $txcB ($txcB / 1000)
:set $txc "$txcB.$txcC"

:set $rxcA ($"rx-current" / 1000)
:set $rxcB ($rxcA / 1000 * 1000)
:set $rxcC ($rxcA - $rxcB)
:set $rxcB ($rxcB / 1000)
:set $rxc "$rxcB.$rxcC"

:set $rxtaA ($"rx-total-average" / 1000)
:set $rxtaB ($rxtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set $rxtaC ($rxtaA - $rxtaB)
:set $rxtaB ($rxtaB / 1000)
:set $rxta "$rxtaB.$rxtaC"

:set $txtaA ($"tx-total-average" / 1000)
:set $txtaB ($txtaA / 1000 * 1000)
:set $txtaC ($txtaA - $txtaB)
:set $txtaB ($txtaB / 1000)
:set $txta "$txtaB.$txtaC"


:log info "Bandwidth-test done, sending info by e-mail"

/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth-test done : $sysname" body="$sysname \n $datetime \n \n Result : \n TX speed $txc Mbps/s \n RX speed $rxc Mbps/s \n \n TX total average $txta Mbps/s \n RX total average $rxta Mbps/s"
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 14, 2019 6:22 am

Make sure the "/tool bandwidth ... do={" is all on one line, and the variables with dashes are quoted. You could do something like this:

ros code

/tool bandwidth-test protocol=udp direction=both duration=12s local-tx-speed=50M remote-tx-speed=50M user=login password=senha do={
  :if ($status="done testing") do={
	:local i ($"tx-current" . "/" . $"rx-current")
	/tool e-mail send to="" subject="Bandwidth test results" body=("Transmitted bytes/s:" . $i)
I edited post of @skot
/tool bandwidth-test your IP duration=20s direction=both local-udp-tx-size=1000 protocol=udp remote-udp-tx-size=1000 do={
  :if ($status="done testing") do={
	:local i ($"tx-total-average"/1048576 . "  / " . $"rx-total-average"/1048576 )
                :local download ($"tx-total-average"/1048576)
                :local upload ($"rx-total-average"/1048576)
                /tool e-mail send to="your email" subject="Bandwidth Metronet " body=("Download/Upload: " . $download ." Mbps / ".$upload . " Mbps")
And this is result,
Download/Upload: 151 Mbps / 146 Mbps
Thanks all
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Re: BandWidth Test for email

Thu Feb 14, 2019 12:05 pm

If you instead of email, send this using syslog, you can then graph every measure using Splunk.
See example in my signature.