we have an CCR1036-12G-4S that connects with ether2 to our ISP. The ISP does not have an router. They only have an switch.
The problems started one year ago and neither we nor the ISP is able to hadle this. From time to time our router shuts down interface 2 .
At the beginning we restarted our router but this this is not needed. Unplugging ether2 waiting 5 seconds and plugging it back resolves the problem.
It took us some time till we noticed that the problem appears to be related to the rx-fcs-error and rx-jabber counters from /interface ethernet .
In the mean time the switch port (not the switch) on the ISP side has been changed. Ethernet connection cable between ISB and the Miktotik router has been swapped.
Same problem. We have a spare device. Last week we downloaded the configuration and uploaded it to the spare and replaced the Miktorik router with our spare device.
This weekend the same problem reapeared. rx-jabber went from 0 to 194 and ether2 has been shut down. The interface does not come back alive alone. Not even after days.
We tried to use the netwatch tool to reset the interface but it seems to never kick in. This is of course only a last ressort solution.
Code: Select all
/tool netwatch print detail
Flags: X - disabled
0 host= timeout=10s interval=1m since=feb/18/2019 08:44:37 status=up up-script="" down-script=resetether2
/system script print detail
Flags: I - invalid
0 name="resetether2" owner="admin" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon dont-require-permissions=no run-count=0
source=/interface disable ether2; :delay 5; /interface enable ether2; :log info "ether2 restarted"
We of course opened a ticket at our ISP. They told us that this happens because the line is under heavy load. This answer is of course not acceptable.
We are using 5 Mikrotik CCR1036 in our company and this is the only place where rx-jabber ever is not 0 .
Information about rx-jabber is quite sparse.
Does somebody know what happens here and how we can avoid this situation?
system info:
routerboard: yes
model: CCR1036-12G-4S
serial-number: NOTIMPORTANT
firmware-type: tilegx
factory-firmware: 3.18
current-firmware: 3.27
upgrade-firmware: 6.43.4
Best regards.