Hi all, I'm thinking to use a Mikrotik router as a border router in a peering point, two router-server send something like 50K prefixes each,
and one peer send ~100K prefixes, few send ~20K-30K, the rest 100 or less prefixes.
In the end the router will receive near ~200K-300K prefixes in this peering point, and is it possible to reduce the numbers filtering low prefixes like /23,/24...
I was reading that the Mikrotik on the bgp process are quite slow and using filters the result is one core of the cpu is always 100% used.
I was reading the post about the RB4011 vs CCR1009, and initially the RB4011 can be an interesting choice but it have 1GB of ram so the limit can be reached
quite easily if the peering point grow in members/prefixes.
Someone have real and concrete experience using a Mikrotik as border router in situation like this ?
I heard about some providers that use a Mikrotik in AMSIX or DECIX...fairy tale ?
and in the case of receiving one or two full route from the uplinks, night dreams ?
I appreciate every useful answer, because I'm tring find out if the Mikrotik can be more other than a cheap CPE where I'm working.