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2 connections, 1 vpn. need vpn to bypass one of the connections, need urgent help.

Mon Mar 04, 2019 5:09 pm

Hello, I have a load balancer mikrotik that I use to both stream (with ether2) and play with a good ping and connection (ether1).
at the moment, there are a couple of routing rules; the streaming sites > ether 2 and everything else > ether1
problem is I want to connect to a vpn. and ether2 connection cannot connect to a vpn at all (the provider has blocked it. therefore as soon as a vpn is connected to ether2 the internet goes out)

how can I route it( or whatever I have to do ) to make the vpn only use ether1 when I connect it. and bypass ether2 completely, this is a little urgent, I would appreciate all the help

Thanks in advance.
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Re: 2 connections, 1 vpn. need vpn to bypass one of the connections, need urgent help.

Tue Mar 05, 2019 1:25 pm

1st of all, try use SSTP (port 443 )instead of PPTP. SSTP is harder to block. My 4G connections blocks PPTP but I can use SSTP.

secondly, I'd suggest to create mangle rule to add routing mark on all traffic with destination address to your VPN server, then add manual routing entry, so traffic with this routing mark goes to gateway 1 (ether1 connection).
if you VPN from your laptop, the mangle rule should be on prerouting chain, if you VPN from Mikrotik itself, the Mangle rule should be on output chain.

hope this makes sense.