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Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Tue Mar 12, 2019 3:28 pm

Mikrotik can search by regular expressions, returning a boolean value.
This link ... xpressions provides information about the search capabilities for regular expressions. As always, this information is extremely brief.

It is often necessary to get exactly the substring found. Below I offer a script written by me that returns not only the found substring itself, but also the position of its beginning and end.
#use:  [$findPosix  String Regex startPosition]
#return array:	{FoundSubString ; FoundPositionStart; FoundPositionEnd} 
:global findPosix do={
	:local string [:tostr $1];
	:local posix $2;
	:local posix0 $posix;
	:local fstart [:tonum $3];
	:local fend 0;
	:if ($fstart < 0) do={ :set fstart 0 };
	:local  substr [:pick $string $fstart [:len $string]];
	:if ([:len $string] > 0 && [:len $posix] > 0 && $fstart <[:len $string] && ($substr ~ $posix)) do={
		:while ($fstart < [:len $string]) do={
			:set posix $posix0;
			:if ([:pick $posix 0] != "^") do={
				:set posix ("^".$posix);
				:local continue true;
				:while ($continue && $fstart < [:len $string]) do={
					:if ([:pick $string $fstart [:len $string]] ~ $posix) do={
						:set continue false;
					} else={:set fstart ($fstart + 1);};
			:if ($fstart < [:len $string]) do={
				:if ([:pick $posix ([:len $posix] -1)] != "\$") do={
					:set posix ($posix."\$");
					:local continue true;
					:set fend [:len $string];
					:while ($fend > $fstart && $continue) do={
						:if ([:pick $string $fstart $fend] ~ $posix) do={:set continue false} else={:set fend ($fend - 1)}; 
				} else={:set fend [:len $string];}
			:if ($fend > $fstart) do={:return {[:pick $string $fstart $fend] ; $fstart ;$fend};};
			:set fstart ($fstart +1);
			:set fend 0;
			:put "Unidentified error";
	:return {[]; []; []};
1. save the above script called ScriptFindPosix
2. in your script:
/system script run ScriptFindPosix;	# This command can be run when loading the router once to initialize the global variable FindRegex, which will store the search function
:global findPosix;					# global variable declaration
#-----------------For example, find the date in the string -----
:local DateString "date: jan/01/2019 01:02:03";
:local regex "[a-z][a-z][a-z]/[01][0-9]/[0-2][0-9][0-9][0-9]";
:local startPosition 0;
:local ArrRezult [$findPosix $DateString $regex $startPosition ];

# return value: ArrRezult  is array {FoundSubString ; PositionStart ; PositionEnd }

:local FoundSubString [:pick $ArrRezult 0];
:local FoundPositionStart [:pick $ArrRezult 1];
:local  FoundPositionEnd [:pick $ArrRezult 2];

:put "DateString=$DateString";					#  DateString=date: jan/01/2019 01:02:03
:put "FoundString=$FoundSubString";				#  FoundString=jan/01/2019
:put "FoundPositionStart=$FoundPositionStart";		#  FoundPositionStart=6	
:put "FoundPositionEnd=$FoundPositionEnd";		#  FoundPositionEnd=17
I will give more examples of use:
:put [$findPosix "time 01:02:13  3:04:05" ("[0-2]\?[0-9]:[0-5]\?[0-9]:[0-5]\?[0-9]"."\$")];            # 3:04:05;15;22

:put [$findPosix "IP address:" ("[0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?")];              #;12;23

:put [$findPosix "IP address:" ("[0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?")];              #;12;23

:local IPMASKposix  ("[0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?(/[0-3]\?[0-9])\?");
:put [$findPosix "IP address AND mask if exist:" $IPMASKposix ];           			 #;30;44

:local IPMASKposix  ("[0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?[.][0-2]\?[0-9]\?[0-9]\?(/[0-3]\?[0-9])\?");
:local arrFound  [$findPosix "IP address AND mask if exist:" $IPMASKposix ];
:put [:pick $arrFound  0]								#
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Re: Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Wed Jun 09, 2021 2:55 pm

Thank you so much for this!!

Currently using it to parse blacklist IPs from the OTX API cause it replies in JSON :) works perfect
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Re: Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Wed Sep 08, 2021 4:51 pm

This is absolutely great!

many thanks for having shared it
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Re: Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Wed Jan 25, 2023 2:28 pm

do you have a simplified version? wherein we can only get the exact word ? like a reference number on text sms ?
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Re: Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Wed Jan 25, 2023 3:03 pm

do you have a simplified version? wherein we can only get the exact word ? like a reference number on text sms ?
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Re: Using regex in Mikrotik and creating search functions with return values

Tue Feb 27, 2024 9:30 am

do you have a simplified version? wherein we can only get the exact word ? like a reference number on text sms ?
For your case, you can still use the findPosix function, but you only need the first element of the returned array, which contains the found substring
Usage example:
/system script run ScriptFindPosix;	# This command can be run when loading the router once to initialize the global variable FindRegex, which will store the search function
:global findPosix;					# global variable declaration
#-----------replace the value of YOURString and regex variables-----------
:local startPosition 0;
:local ArrRezult [$findPosix $YOURString $regex $startPosition ];

# return value: ArrRezult  is array {FoundSubString ; PositionStart ; PositionEnd }

:local FoundSubString [:pick $ArrRezult 0];
:put $FoundSubString  # the $FoundSubString contains the found string