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Hap ac2 with failover to 4G and wifi

Wed Apr 10, 2019 9:52 pm

I've received my Mikrotik HaP Ac2 some days ago and I'm lost in the settings.
Previously my network was like this :
- one "Livebox" (Orange ISP router) with FFTH connection, wifi out from the livebox and 4 ethernet devices plugged in it
- one simple TP-Link Router plugged in the Livebox and 2 additionnal ethernet cables plugged.

I've bought the Mikrotik router to enhance my network :
- Better wifi : enabling the wlan 2.4GhZ and 5GhZ on the mikrotik and disabling them on the livebox
- Failover to 3G/4G usb dongle if the main connection fails (I'm planning to set up a home alarm and I need my devices to be always reachabled).
3 of my 6 ethernet slots should be linked for 4G failover.
I've seen this tutorial : ... lover.html

- If possible I'd like to keep the DHCP server on the livebox and let all my devices connect directly on it. Because I've already opened and forwarded all my ports on the Livebox.

If possible I'd like that the Mikrotik uses the same network range than all my wired and wireless deviced : 192.168.1.x (Livebox =

Any help would be appreciable
Thank you