Ok, so the idea is to have guest LAN. But not the usual boring one which is completely separated (independent interface or bridge with own subnet). Rather make it part of main LAN bridge, let it use the same DHCP server and everything. Except it should be separate, so let's cut if off with bridge filters. Yep, it's creative.
My suggestion is to switch normal guest LAN. Make another bridge, put wlan3 and wlan4 there, give it own IP subnet and DHCP server, use IP firewall to manage access. It's simple and manageable. Or is there any reason for what you have now that I'm missing?
If you'd like to keep what you have, you'd need some exception from current bridge filters. You'd need to allow access between wlan3/4 and device(s) in main LAN. It should work too, but you'd need to allow more stuff, because bridge filters are stateless and don't see connections as IP firewall does. So you'd need to allow arp first, then traffic from guest to device(s) and also traffic from device(s) to guests.
Other possible solution could be bridge's use-ip-firewall option, but I'd avoid it, that thing is strange.