MT hap ac2:
local radios on MT router (wlan1 and wlan2) keep disconnecting from capsman with error??
removing stale connection because of ident conflct with [[BA:55:F4:22:02:11]]
I apologize for not responding, the notify by mail is not automatically set, so I missed this one completely.
Please close/delete this post, I can not remember what it was about.
Again, sorry.
So I figured out my error, was using the incorrect discovery interface; which caused this error to occur.
Now I am trying to get my dhcp server for my virtual wireless AP guest interface to assign
an IP to clients when using CAPsMAN. But it will not for some reason unbeknown-st to me...
In my datapath configuration for my virtual AP wireless interface; I have specified the corresponding bridge where the dhcp server
sits to assign IPs. This works with zero issue when !n0t in CAPsMAN mode. Virtual AP is setup as slave
config on wlan1 config in CAPsMAN provisioning. And all appears okay, just can not obtain IP on virtual
So for reference.. what happened was through CAPsMAN; a new virtual interface (wlan%) for virtual AP is auto-created; in my case I am up to wlan44...
I had to add that interface to the correct bridge and now it gets an IP from the correct dhcp server on the virtual AP through CAPsMAN no problem..
My config is a bit messy now.. wonder how can reset these auto incremented virtual interfaces and caps back to the beginning... im on cap215/216..