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Thu May 03, 2007 8:54 pm

Hi all:
Did any one tested XR3? Does M.T O.S Support it?
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Sat May 05, 2007 2:14 am

The current frequencys supported by this card are in the "FCC testing" phase (cannot be used commercially and require a testing license)The 3650-3700 MHz band is in the process of being availalbe to WISPs. This is an exciting prospect. However the exact contentions for using this band have yet to be defined and I would advise not using it unitl the FCC determines the exact usage contentions.

To answer your question, I believe the Mikrotik router OS will support this card due to the universal compatability with the Atheros chipset (same as the SR9 cards). I have not tested this since I am not interested in this untill the exact stipulations have been laid out by the FCC. I would bet $$ though that it would work however.
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Sat May 05, 2007 8:50 am

From what I've read of 3.5GHz unlicensed, it requires registration and cannot be use for comercial purposes yet, just testing/personal use.

I agree with palindin74, wait a bit and see if its legal.

If you're not in the US, I guess it doesn't matter.

All the UB 3.5GHz equip is, is altering the frequency of Atheros chipsets. Should work just fine.
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Sat May 05, 2007 4:30 pm

We're outside US. The customer got a license to use it from Goverment here.
But the issue is, how is this card working with Mikrotik O.S?
We need someone who already test it!!!!
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Mon May 07, 2007 11:42 pm

I want to know that too,

And I don't want to listen if in usa or in the moon you can't use it :evil:

Every one knows what is legal in his country.

We just want to know how it works

Stable or got some issues

Thank you
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Tue May 08, 2007 1:31 pm

they will work just fine, you will need conversion table, to know, what frequency you actually using. as this card will show up as 5GHzx or 2.4GHz card. But it will work in that correct frequency range.
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Wed May 09, 2007 2:25 pm

Hi Janisk, Hi all:
Mikrotik told me that O.S is not yet supported this card. I should receive at the end of May.
But I hope if any one tested this card with M.T O.S. We don't need surprices...
Also about the driver, can we ask UBNT to provide it"linux driver"?
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Thu May 10, 2007 3:41 am

Hey Guys,

Xr3 works fine under 2.9.38 and 2.9.41.

Xr3 uses a 2Ghz frequency conversion, and is detected as a 5Ghz cards. So you select the corresponding 5ghz channel.

I.E>5.5ghz = 3.5Ghz

I have tested several links in the lab and in the field and the performance of the card is really good. Throughput graphs are flat (over 5km) and signal quality is really good, since this is based off of the XR architecture.

I have been testing and qualifying the card for the last 60 days and have had no problems under MikroTik.


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Thu May 10, 2007 6:41 am

Do the XR3 radios support channel widths smaller than 5MHz (like 3.5MHz or 1.75MHz)?
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Thu May 10, 2007 9:29 am

Hey Guys,

Xr3 works fine under 2.9.38 and 2.9.41.

Xr3 uses a 2Ghz frequency conversion, and is detected as a 5Ghz cards. So you select the corresponding 5ghz channel.

I.E>5.5ghz = 3.5Ghz

I have tested several links in the lab and in the field and the performance of the card is really good. Throughput graphs are flat (over 5km) and signal quality is really good, since this is based off of the XR architecture.

I have been testing and qualifying the card for the last 60 days and have had no problems under MikroTik.


Sounds good, just waiting on the FCC to get their game together, hopefully sometime this decade.
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Thu May 10, 2007 10:48 am

Hey Guys,

Xr3 works fine under 2.9.38 and 2.9.41.
you haven't tested it with 2.9.42 or it was not working fine for you using that version of the RouterOS?
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Thu May 10, 2007 7:30 pm

Hey Guys,

Ya i just update a couple of my Routerboards (112/532) to 2.9.42 and the cards are working just fine.


No we do not support channel width's smaller then 5mhz.

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Fri May 11, 2007 2:56 am

When is the card shipping in samples / volume?
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Fri May 11, 2007 3:14 am

Hello Stephen,

Please email me at as I cant/will not use this forum for advertising :)


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Sun May 13, 2007 3:05 am

Hi Mike-Ubiquiti:
We have one question, how to show the customer that the output frequency is 3.5Ghz.
We know that it is using frequency conversion, but we have to show it to the customer that the output frquency is 3.5Ghz "or 3.4Ghz".
Is it possible?
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Re: XR3

Mon Feb 11, 2008 8:06 pm

Hey Guys,

Xr3 works fine under 2.9.38 and 2.9.41.

Xr3 uses a 2Ghz frequency conversion, and is detected as a 5Ghz cards. So you select the corresponding 5ghz channel.

I.E>5.5ghz = 3.5Ghz

I have tested several links in the lab and in the field and the performance of the card is really good. Throughput graphs are flat (over 5km) and signal quality is really good, since this is based off of the XR architecture.

I have been testing and qualifying the card for the last 60 days and have had no problems under MikroTik.


I can't select the 3.5 frequency range. Do we have to buy a Custom License from Mikrtotik to use a public frequency? Anyways I did not get XR3 working.

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Re: XR3

Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:12 pm

I can't select the 3.5 frequency range. Do we have to buy a Custom License from Mikrtotik to use a public frequency? Anyways I did not get XR3 working.

you either need a custom frequency license, or you need to change your country to austria, where 5.65-5.7ghz is selectable
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Re: XR3

Tue Feb 12, 2008 6:24 pm

Thanks that helps a lot. Are we able to select the public frequency in austria? I believe its around 3.4-3.6 (public).

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Re: XR3

Wed Feb 13, 2008 2:12 am

Let me ask this question. Is the XR3 limited to 5MHz worth of bandwidth or do we still get 54mbps?
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Re: XR3

Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:39 am

Let me ask this question. Is the XR3 limited to 5MHz worth of bandwidth or do we still get 54mbps?
with this atheros chipset having good signal levels and clear channel @5Mhz you should get around 22-24 Mbits real throughput , while best wimax station out there wont reach the 14Mbits @3.75Mhz :D Thanks to Atheros, ubnt and Mikrotik guys and sure the ppl buying there stuff to support them,lol
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Re: XR3

Wed Feb 13, 2008 5:44 pm

you will not see any significantly higher then normal speeds with the XR3 over any other atheros chipset, as they are using the same OFDM modulation as any other radio, but due to the lower, almost non-existant noise floors you should see slightly faster and more stable speeds.


you will not see 22-24Mbps on a 5MHz channel, you will see closer to 7 or 8mbps.
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Re: XR3

Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:05 pm

I just got my XR3 working in a testing lab with power turned down to 2. I got about 10 Mbps. Its not a accurate test because I need to be out in the field. I will do that later this week. I dont understand why I cant use the 20MHz mode. I can select the right frequency. Why wouldn't I be able to work. I just want to know the tech side of it.

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Re: XR3

Wed Feb 13, 2008 6:12 pm

When you decrease the channel width by 75% from 20 MHz to 5 MHz, you decrease the throughput by 75% as well.
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Re: XR3

Thu Feb 14, 2008 6:11 am

I tested all in the lab. I can't find anything that doesn't work with the XR3. Its all a go. Once UBNT does the FCC for Part 15 and Part 90. When is this going to happen? I want part 15 first so I can use the public channels.

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Re: XR3

Thu Feb 14, 2008 8:05 am

You need to be sure you are not within about 100 miles of the list of grandfathered earth stations or you will not get very far with this without getting someones attention. I realized this excludes most of florida where I am located - didn't pay much attention to the rest of the list because it didn't matter.

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Re: XR3

Thu Feb 14, 2008 5:08 pm

We are 500 miles from FSS.

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Re: XR3

Thu Feb 14, 2008 7:28 pm

I tested all in the lab. I can't find anything that doesn't work with the XR3. Its all a go. Once UBNT does the FCC for Part 15 and Part 90. When is this going to happen? I want part 15 first so I can use the public channels.

according to Robert from UBNT, sometime this month.