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Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Wed Jul 03, 2019 5:53 am

MikroTik RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

We ordered a couple of units as prototypes to play with in hopes of rolling them out at all locations. They were sold to as as a good option for high throughput, but we can't seem to get these things to pass more than 150 Mbps. This behavior is consistent with both test units at two different locations.

The unites aren't doing any type of routing. They're in a simple WAP capacity. The link reports as 1 Gbps. We're testing on the 5 GHz link. Running in 802.11.

We've tried the usual stuff such as different channels, looking at noise etc., but for it to be passing only 150 Mbps, this is something huge. These things have a ton of options that allow them to do all kinds of things. I have to wonder if we're missing something fundamental. Hopefully a MikroTik guru here will know what we're overlooking.

Thanks in advance for any input.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:30 am

Please post output of /interface wireless export verbose hide-sensitive (use [ code ] environment for better readability).
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Wed Jul 03, 2019 8:54 am

What is your usage scenario: how/what do you intent to use it for?

BTW: "1GBps link" that's just network interface which is gigabit capable, says nothing about the wireless link.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Wed Jul 03, 2019 6:55 pm

sebastia: Thank you for the reply. The MikroTik at both locations where we are having this challenge is being used as a simple WAP. It's not being used for any higher function. It's plugged into a network jack in one office area going back to a non-managed switch. All DHCP etc. are handled by the gateway device. On the issue of the link, yes, I was just referring to the link data. I just wanted to make sure that I made it clear that I had verified that we weren't in a 100 Mbps environment that could contaminate our test results. Tests have been run via an online speed test, iPerf across the network, and to get the cleanest test possible, we even hooked the MikroTik to a single laptop via cable, and then ran an iPerf wirelessly from one laptop to the other. All tests were consistent and maxed out at about 150 Mbps.

mkx: Thank you for offering to help with this. Here is the output you requested. I redacted the usernames and MAC addresses from the access list. I hope that's okay.

[admin@TCG-MikroTik] > /interface traffic-eng erface wireles export verbose hide-s
bad command name erface (line 1 column 24)
[admin@TCG-MikroTik] >> /interface wireless export verbose hide-sensitive 
# jul/03/2019 10:04:37 by RouterOS 6.44.3
# software id = 1F0I-1CJV
# model = RouterBOARD wAP G-5HacT2HnD
# serial number = A63309D607BC
/interface wireless security-profiles
set [ find default=yes ] authentication-types=wpa-psk,wpa2-psk disable-pmkid=no \
    eap-methods=passthrough group-ciphers=aes-ccm group-key-update=5m \
    interim-update=0s management-protection=disabled mode=dynamic-keys \
    mschapv2-username="" name=default radius-called-format=mac:ssid \
    radius-eap-accounting=yes radius-mac-accounting=yes \
    radius-mac-authentication=yes radius-mac-caching=disabled \
    radius-mac-format=XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX radius-mac-mode=as-username \
    static-algo-0=none static-algo-1=none static-algo-2=none static-algo-3=none \
    static-sta-private-algo=none static-transmit-key=key-0 supplicant-identity=\
    MikroTik tls-certificate=none tls-mode=no-certificates unicast-ciphers=\
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] adaptive-noise-immunity=none allow-sharedkey=no \
    ampdu-priorities=0 amsdu-limit=8192 amsdu-threshold=8192 antenna-gain=2 \
    area="" arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto band=2ghz-b/g/n basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps \
    basic-rates-b=1Mbps bridge-mode=enabled channel-width=20/40mhz-XX \
    compression=no country="united states3" default-ap-tx-limit=0 \
    default-authentication=yes default-client-tx-limit=0 default-forwarding=yes \
    disable-running-check=no disabled=no disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors \
    frame-lifetime=0 frequency=auto frequency-mode=regulatory-domain \
    frequency-offset=0 guard-interval=any hide-ssid=no ht-basic-mcs=\
    mcs-0,mcs-1,mcs-2,mcs-3,mcs-4,mcs-5,mcs-6,mcs-7 ht-supported-mcs="mcs-0,mcs-\
    3,mcs-14,mcs-15,mcs-16,mcs-17,mcs-18,mcs-19,mcs-20,mcs-21,mcs-22,mcs-23" \
    hw-fragmentation-threshold=disabled hw-protection-mode=none \
    hw-protection-threshold=0 hw-retries=7 installation=any \
    interworking-profile=disabled keepalive-frames=enabled l2mtu=1600 \
    mac-address=B8:69:F4:73:CC:05 max-station-count=2007 mode=ap-bridge mtu=\
    1500 multicast-buffering=enabled multicast-helper=default name=wlan1 \
    noise-floor-threshold=default nv2-cell-radius=30 nv2-downlink-ratio=50 \
    nv2-mode=dynamic-downlink nv2-noise-floor-offset=default nv2-qos=default \
    nv2-queue-count=2 nv2-security=disabled nv2-sync-secret="" \
    on-fail-retry-time=100ms preamble-mode=both radio-name=B869F473CC05 \
    rate-selection=advanced rate-set=default rx-chains=0,1 scan-list=default \
    secondary-channel="" security-profile=default ssid=TCG-2GHz \
    station-bridge-clone-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 station-roaming=enabled \
    supported-rates-a/g=6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps \
    supported-rates-b=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps tdma-period-size=2 tx-chains=\
    0,1 tx-power-mode=default update-stats-interval=disabled vlan-id=1 \
    vlan-mode=no-tag wds-cost-range=50-150 wds-default-bridge=none \
    wds-default-cost=100 wds-ignore-ssid=no wds-mode=disabled \
    wireless-protocol=802.11 wmm-support=disabled wps-mode=push-button
set [ find default-name=wlan2 ] adaptive-noise-immunity=none allow-sharedkey=no \
    ampdu-priorities=0 amsdu-limit=8192 amsdu-threshold=8192 antenna-gain=2 \
    area="" arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto band=5ghz-a/n/ac basic-rates-a/g=6Mbps \
    bridge-mode=enabled channel-width=20/40/80mhz-Ceee compression=no country=\
    "united states3" default-ap-tx-limit=0 default-authentication=no \
    default-client-tx-limit=0 default-forwarding=yes disable-running-check=no \
    disabled=no disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors frame-lifetime=0 \
    frequency=auto frequency-mode=regulatory-domain frequency-offset=0 \
    guard-interval=any hide-ssid=no ht-basic-mcs=\
    mcs-0,mcs-1,mcs-2,mcs-3,mcs-4,mcs-5,mcs-6,mcs-7 ht-supported-mcs="mcs-0,mcs-\
    3,mcs-14,mcs-15,mcs-16,mcs-17,mcs-18,mcs-19,mcs-20,mcs-21,mcs-22,mcs-23" \
    hw-fragmentation-threshold=disabled hw-protection-mode=none \
    hw-protection-threshold=0 hw-retries=7 installation=indoor \
    interworking-profile=disabled keepalive-frames=enabled l2mtu=1600 \
    mac-address=B8:69:F4:73:CC:04 max-station-count=2007 mode=ap-bridge mtu=\
    1500 multicast-buffering=enabled multicast-helper=default name=wlan2 \
    nv2-cell-radius=30 nv2-downlink-ratio=50 nv2-mode=dynamic-downlink nv2-qos=\
    default nv2-queue-count=2 nv2-security=disabled nv2-sync-secret="" \
    on-fail-retry-time=100ms preamble-mode=both radio-name=B869F473CC04 \
    rate-selection=advanced rate-set=default rx-chains=0,1,2 scan-list=default \
    secondary-channel="" security-profile=default ssid=TCG-5GHz \
    station-bridge-clone-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 station-roaming=enabled \
    supported-rates-a/g=6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps \
    tdma-period-size=2 tx-chains=0,1,2 tx-power-mode=default \
    update-stats-interval=disabled vht-basic-mcs=mcs0-7 vht-supported-mcs=\
    mcs0-9,mcs0-9,mcs0-9 vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag wds-cost-range=50-150 \
    wds-default-bridge=none wds-default-cost=100 wds-ignore-ssid=no wds-mode=\
    disabled wireless-protocol=802.11 wmm-support=disabled wps-mode=push-button
/interface wireless manual-tx-power-table
set wlan1 manual-tx-powers="1Mbps:17,2Mbps:17,5.5Mbps:17,11Mbps:17,6Mbps:17,9Mbp\
set wlan2 manual-tx-powers="1Mbps:17,2Mbps:17,5.5Mbps:17,11Mbps:17,6Mbps:17,9Mbp\
/interface wireless nstreme
set wlan1 disable-csma=no enable-nstreme=no enable-polling=yes framer-limit=\
    3200 framer-policy=none
set wlan2 disable-csma=no enable-nstreme=no enable-polling=yes framer-limit=\
    3200 framer-policy=none
/interface wireless access-list
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no \
    forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=\
    none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment=REDACTED disabled=no forwarding=yes interface=\
    any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=-120..120 \
    !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment=\
    "REDACTED" disabled=no \
    forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=\
    none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=\
    yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none \
    signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment=Roku disabled=no forwarding=yes interface=any \
    mac-address=00:0D:4B:40:68:47 private-algo=none signal-range=-120..120 \
    !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment=REDACTED disabled=no forwarding=yes interface=any \
    mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=-120..120 \
    !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=\
    yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none \
    signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment=\
    "REDACTED" disabled=no \
    forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=\
    none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" \
    disabled=no forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED \
    private-algo=none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" \
    disabled=no forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED \
    private-algo=none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=\
    yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none \
    signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no \
    forwarding=yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=\
    none signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=\
    yes interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none \
    signal-range=-120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
add allow-signal-out-of-range=10s ap-tx-limit=0 authentication=yes \
    client-tx-limit=0 comment="REDACTED" disabled=no forwarding=yes \
    interface=any mac-address=REDACTED private-algo=none signal-range=\
    -120..120 !time vlan-id=1 vlan-mode=no-tag
/interface wireless align
set active-mode=yes audio-max=-20 audio-min=-100 audio-monitor=\
    00:00:00:00:00:00 filter-mac=00:00:00:00:00:00 frame-size=300 \
    frames-per-second=25 receive-all=no ssid-all=no
/interface wireless cap
set bridge=none caps-man-addresses="" caps-man-certificate-common-names="" \
    caps-man-names="" certificate=none discovery-interfaces="" enabled=no \
    interfaces="" lock-to-caps-man=no static-virtual=no
/interface wireless sniffer
set channel-time=200ms file-limit=10 file-name="" memory-limit=10 \
    multiple-channels=no only-headers=no receive-errors=no streaming-enabled=no \
    streaming-max-rate=0 streaming-server=
/interface wireless snooper
set channel-time=200ms multiple-channels=yes receive-errors=no
[admin@TCG-MikroTik] >> 

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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sat Jul 13, 2019 4:28 am

Any thoughts or feedback on the logs?
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sat Jul 13, 2019 11:52 pm

Well, I took MikroTik's presentation on TCP Throughput to heart discussed here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=150090&p=739270#p739270

I tried to give it the benefit of the doubt and see if that was my throughput issue, but the numbers just don't support that. the calculations allow for much faster speeds.

If I remove the MikroTik and plug directly into the Ethernet jack being used by the MikroTik, speeds are several times faster. The only variable is the WAP.

I had a thread posted on another board to try and solve the issue, and Linksys has graciously offered me one of their new Enterprise Level LAPAC1750C AC1750 Dual-Band WAPs.

The throughput numbers look very good on it, so it will be interesting to see what happens when we swap them out. If it's network related, then my throughput shouldn't improve, but if it's WAP related we'll confirm it right away.

I'm not sure how long it will take to receive the unit, but will be sure to post back with the results.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sun Jul 14, 2019 12:22 am

I would love to see higher throughput also, but 150 Mbps on 5 Ghz tells me there is something wrong on your setup or you have some interference.
My RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD (non US) with a Samsung Galaxy S9+ phone can do ~300 Mbps download (with peaks at 400-410 Mbps for a very short time) and 450-500 Mbps upload (with peaks at 550 Mbps for a very short time).

iperf3 server running on Samsung Galaxy S9+
Client PC running on same network 1 Gbps.
Download from phone to PC. Command iperf3.exe -c PhoneIP -P 10
Upload from PC to phone. Command iperf3.exe -c PhoneIP -P 10 -R
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:28 am

Hi inteq, and thanks for the reply.

I agree that something just isn't right, but I can't seem to find it. I defaulted this thing 3 times. I really hoped once I was asked to post the logs, someone more knowledgeable would spot the issue.

Running iPerf3 using the same parameters as your test I got 108 Mbps when testing from a wireless machine to a machine attached to the same switch as the MikroTik via Ethernet, and 28-35 Mbps when testing to two other machines connected wirelessly to the Mikrotik.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sun Jul 14, 2019 6:44 am

I would:
1. check that all interfaces are really connected at 1 Gbps. Maybe change the patch cable to be sure even if 1 Gbps reported.
2. change laptop. maybe use a smartphone with Network Tools from It has iperf3
3. remove all country, indoor/outdoor, rates, queues and such.
4. use channel 36 for 5 Ghz. That would be freq. 5180.
5. for 5 Ghz select "5ghz-onlyac"
6. check the AP's health. Might be overheating. Also check the voltage. Might not have enough juice (24V)
7. Check that the device I am testing from is really connected to the 5 Ghz interface. Maybe remove/disable all configuration for 2.4 Ghz to be sure.

Just a reminder that 5ghz is very close range.
The speeds that I reported are with the AP and the testing device in the same room. 3-5 meters max apart,
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Sun Jul 14, 2019 8:41 pm


Thank you again for all of your suggestions. Some I have tried before, but went through them again. The connections to the wireless vary, but don't connect at a true 1 Gbps. It's normally in the 360-400 range.

I did try the app, however, the results are crazily different from anything we we see on any workstation or server when testing; both here and at other locations. For instance, when testing from the phone to a machine, what the phone showed in Mbps, the workstation (the server) reported almost the same speed, but in Kbps. A thousand times different. When I use Magic iPerf from the phone, I get results that mimic what we see from all the other machines.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Tue Jul 23, 2019 10:04 pm

Retested with an Intel AC 8265 WiFi card in a Dell latitude laptop.
Funny thing: upload speed is lower than on my Samsung galaxy S9+ . About 150-200 Mbps lower.
Download speed is comparable.
The lesson here: not all wifi is equal, even if same standards.
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Re: Throughput Issues RouterBoard RBwAPG-5HacT2HnD-US

Wed Jul 24, 2019 6:47 pm

I agree. We've tried numerous devices and even set up speedtest that are "real world." We move a 1 GB file across the LAN. Unfortunately we've all, but totally given up. I had this posted on another board, and Linksys contacted me to offer us their new LAPAC1750C completely free, no strings attached for us to use as test units. I figure it will be diagnostic at the very least. The plan is to change nothing else, but pull the MikroTik at both test locations, put in the new Linksys and see if the throughput issue goes away, or stays on the LAN.

Overall the specs on the unit look good so it should work well as a test control: