Few days ago I put in place a /ip firewall nat (dstnat) in order to reach a local hosted WP.
So that dstnat was working. but I encounter problem witrh the WP itself (or might be the router finally)
See: https://wordpress.org/support/topic/no- ... -from-www/
Here my "dstnat" (numer 3 how is now disabled)
Code: Select all
3 X chain=dstnat action=dst-nat to-addresses=192.168.x.y to-ports=xxx protocol=tcp in-interface-list=WAN dst-port=yyyyy log=yes log-prefix="thething"
I have done the following to try to get ride of the problem
- tried on several computer
- restarted the router and computers
- I tried in the browser https://192.168.x.y:xxx (so the correct final destination port) and I'm anyway redirected to YYYYY the income port ! WTF.. did yo think it could be the WP ?
That redirection is still effectif and she defeitenly should not ! She is desactived and it should be only apply from WAN connection .. any ideas ??