First, you have to setup the SSH for the server you will be running this from.
See ... y_login%29
Create listing of Mikrotik Routers...
Code: Select all
admin@watchdog:/$ cat /opt/ros/routers.txt
Code: Select all
admin@watchdog:/$ cat /opt/ros/ros-commands
/system identity print
/system resource print
Code: Select all
admin@watchdog:/usr/sbin# cat /etc/monitor.passwd
ros-remote /opt/ros/ros-commands
Code: Select all
# By Matthew D. Smith (c) 2007 with help of the orignal script by
# by Ian Redden
# Purpose: To get info or execute commands on a Mikrotik RouterOS.
# Prerequisites: Expect, IO::Tty, IO:Stty
# Script will log into each router one a time (from ROUTER_LIST) and issue the commands from CMD_LIST one at a time.
# Usage: ros-remote [filename] ie; #ros-remote /opt/ros/ros-commands.txt
# Text Listing of Routers - Insert Your Filename Here
my $ROUTER_LIST = '/opt/ros/routers.txt';
######################END CONFIGURATION#####################################
#############DO NOT ALTER BELOW THIS LINE###################################
# Open File
open DATA, "$ROUTER_LIST" or die "can't open $ROUTER_LIST $!";
# Assign array to Router List
my @routers_array = <DATA>;
# Close File - Done.
close (DATA);
# Assign variable to command file passed to script
my $CMD_LIST = "$ARGV[0]";
# Loop through each router in Array
foreach my $line (@routers_array)
# Use Expect
use Expect;
# Where is SSH?
$ssh = "/usr/bin/ssh";
# Get Username/Password
while (<PS>) {
($usernm,$pass) = split(/\|\|/, $_);
# Command to launch SSH
$command = "$ssh -l $usernm -i /root/.ssh/id_dsa $line";
# Use Expect to connect to Router
$ssh = Expect->spawn("$command");
# Do not echo Router Banner
# Send Password - enable if user account has password
# if ($ssh->expect(undef, "password:")) {
# print $ssh "$pass\r";
# }
# Send Commands From File
open( FILE, "< $CMD_LIST" ) or die "can't open $CMD_LIST $!";
if ($ssh->expect(undef, ">")) {
while ($cmd = <FILE>) {
# Echo Commands
print $ssh "$cmd\r";
$ssh->expect(undef, ">");
# Close File
close FILE;
#Quit SSH Session
print $ssh "/quit\r";
print "\r";
I'm planning on elaborating on this in the future such as polling MT's neighbor viewer to get router listing, some sort of php/mysql interface to maintain listing of commands/routers, etc. Any help would be appreciated!
I know SNMP Write is coming in 3.0, but hopefully this helps out anyone who planning on using 2.x for a while...