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Installing RouterOS on a WRAP

Fri Oct 27, 2006 5:49 pm

Can you still install RouterOS on a WRAP from scratch (as opposed to an upgrade)? On the newly revamped download page, I don't see any files related to WRAP boards.

I have a few WRAP's lying around that I would like to upgrade to the latest RouterOS, but am not sure if I can. I need the file that you can copy onto the CF card.
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Fri Oct 27, 2006 6:17 pm

Plug an USB CF reader into your Windows box, start netinstall, install onto the CF card.
Remember to install the routerboard package (as otherwise the reboot function will not work).

Then plug the CF card into the WRAP board, boot. When the system says "rebooting" after finishing the install, you have to reboot the system this time (and only this time) manually be unplugging the power cord for a few seconds.

After that it should boot normally, and the reboot command should work, too.

Best regards,
Christian Meis
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Fri Oct 27, 2006 8:24 pm

Thanks for the info! Can I use the PC Card/CF adapter I have previously used instead of a USB one?
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Fri Oct 27, 2006 11:11 pm

Sure. You just have to be able to plug that CF card into your Windows machine in a way that it is recognized as a "normal" hard drive with a drive letter.

Best regards,
Christian Meis
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Sat Nov 04, 2006 8:57 am

how do you do this with a new key? IE i have a wrap board and i just bought a new 1gb flash card and the usb do i pay for/install a lvl 4 lic, since the others are limited to 24 hrs.

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Sat Nov 04, 2006 12:59 pm

Do a normal install like described above. After install check your
software id with

 /system license print 
Enter this id during level 4 license purchase at the MT homepage.

You will get a license file (text file) you can import afterwards.

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Sat Nov 04, 2006 1:56 pm

how do you do this with a new key? IE i have a wrap board and i just bought a new 1gb flash card and the usb do i pay for/install a lvl 4 lic, since the others are limited to 24 hrs.

I think better when you are make demo key first, before buy new license. cos with demo key you will able for your system not in 24 hours. that's methode my experince before buy key.
just visit than login with your account server click 'demo key' give your sofware ID on that page, after submited you will receive demo key to your email address.
while continue with demo key, please buy new key by send mail to sales[at] and your software ID attached, that methode assumse you have money transfered to Mikrotik or you have deposite payment on account server.

This my History in v2.9.xxxx for x86 with 6level installed:
Download-routerOS package
install-RouterOS ------ limit, 24h and check software ID by '/sy li pri' command
Paste 'demo key' ------ limit, i don't remember around 3 months
Order to sales with software ID attached, send to sales[at]
Payment process 'status OK'
receive 'new key' ------- i think working hour needed
Paste received key to RouterOS
end and go to check status by '/sy li print' from console .

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Sun Nov 05, 2006 5:25 am

i installed 2.9.34 onto a CF card via a usb reader and net install said install complete and i put in my wrap board, booted it but i never see it in winbox...

is there some step im missing? i know the wrap board is fine bc ihave a CF card i bought a while ago that works in it.

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Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:09 am

i installed 2.9.34 onto a CF card via a usb reader and net install said install complete and i put in my wrap board, booted it but i never see it in winbox...

is there some step im missing? i know the wrap board is fine bc ihave a CF card i bought a while ago that works in it.

Don't know - I did a wrap 2.9.34 winbox drag and drop to 3.0b2 okay. Sometimes the wraps need to be power cycled once before they will then boot every time. What does console do?
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Sun Nov 05, 2006 6:56 am

"loading system with initrd"

i get a bunch a garbage repeated...any ideas?
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Sun Nov 05, 2006 1:39 pm

Probably mis-matching baud rates. The WRAP BIOS usually defaults to 38.400, and RouterOS has another default rate. So try switching to the RouterOS configured baud rate and your garbage should turn into some startup messages...

Best regards,
Christian Meis
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Sun Nov 05, 2006 4:08 pm


ur right chris @ 9600 i get garbage from the WRAP side..but then the MT stuff comes in fine.

After getting a demo expired message, I did a reinstall and the WRAP booted, said "finishing install" and "completed succesfully" now every time i boot it it hanges on "starting services..."


FINALLY GOT IT....cant really nail the issue..i just did a bunch of reformats of the the CF drive in FAT and then used netinstall to install the WHOLE package of x86 2.9.34
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How much disk space?

Mon Nov 13, 2006 10:31 pm

How much space does this require for the CF?

I think I read somewhere on the web site that the RouterOS requires at least 128 MB, but I notice that the CD image is only a little over 14 MB.

It seems reasonable that the CD image is compressed, but I'm wondering if it's reasonable to utilize an old 16MB CF card that I have on hand, or should I just bite the bullet and burn it onto a 128MB CF?

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Tue Nov 14, 2006 9:09 am

32Mb should be minimum, it actually depends on the number of packages that you want to use. If you want to use all the packages, I suggest 64Mb just to be sure and leave some space for other things (like logs).
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Tue Nov 14, 2006 10:54 am

with 32 MB and RouterOS version 2.9.x, I have installed quite few of packages and still having some problems, so I think to stick to at least 64 MB CF disks and avoid problems wikth free space.


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Tue Nov 14, 2006 5:13 pm


I bit the bullet and loaded it up on a 128MB CF. Lots of elbow room because I'm only using a few packages (no wireless, or any of the oddball stuff)...

Thanks for the help.

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Mon Dec 04, 2006 3:16 am

With Netinstall for 2.9.38 it never sees my drives to install to. With the pc version it does, but not the routerboard version. Anyoe have an older version of netinstall I can use to fix this or any other suggestions
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Mon Dec 04, 2006 4:23 am

With Netinstall for 2.9.38 it never sees my drives to install to. With the pc version it does, but not the routerboard version. Anyoe have an older version of netinstall I can use to fix this or any other suggestions
The PC version (x86) is for wrap.
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Mon Dec 04, 2006 7:01 am

Thanks, That got it
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Sat May 19, 2007 6:23 am

Just to add something to this. I have inherited a network based on Locustworld and am looking at redoing it in Mikrotik to overcome a few problems and create some consitency with my other networks.

I am not sure if it is "normal" but when I tried this on a Wrap 2C, it kept stopping on "Ready" as if waiting for input, but was totally unresponsive.

I had thought it'd failed.

However, after several attempts, trying this and that, (I set the baud rate to 38400 on the Netinstall) I had left it there for a while and after a few minutes it rebooted, put up a lot of strange characters, and then the clear screen with a few strange characters once more.

It looked to me like a login in gibberish, so I typed "admin", hit enter, and up comes "Password:"

"Yipeee!" Hit enter again and up comes Mikrotik! Set the IP and gateway, and Winbox connects!

However, it still seems to take a loooooong time to boot and still comes up intially with gibberish on the original login on serial.

Question: Do all Wrap boards take soooo loooooong to boot, or do I have a problem?

If so, it really needs to be added to this thread, that you have to wait a fair time (several minutes) after the "Ready" prompt for it to complete the installation and reboot into MT.

It boots the Linux/Locustworld stuff quite quickly (despite the constant keyboard error crap), by the way.
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Sat May 19, 2007 7:23 pm

I don'[t know that our WRAP-based tiks take a "long" time. It's certainly not a few seconds, but it's also not "several minutes". I'd put in the 45 seconds to a minute range, but I've never timed it.

You may just have a miss-match between the baud rate, and other serial port settings. Read the quick-setup section of the manual. I think that the default baud rate for a WRAP card are different than for a routerboard, and you also want to turn off the hardware-based flow control. So double-check those settings, or else set them to what you need & try it again.
Last edited by GlueGuy on Sat May 19, 2007 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Sat May 19, 2007 9:28 pm

I've changed a few wraps to Mikrotik instead of that other crap from across the Atlantic and i've seen few problems a few times with certain brands of 64meg CF cards. 128's generally don't seem to give any trouble.

The easiest way I found was to get a CF to IDE adaptor and use the install .iso. ( remember to include the Routerboard package ) .
Then when its finished installing packages , reboot the PC from the CF card and leave it finish off.
Then boot the CF in the wrap , find it with winbox and disable "flow control " under "Ports" and set the speed to match the speed set in the BIOS of the wrap.
Boot the WRAP once more with a serial cable connected and make sure its working properly.

On a side note the WRAP gives an ~ extra 8megs throughput with Mikrotik...
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Sat May 19, 2007 9:35 pm

Hope this helps you ......

Just to add something to this. I have inherited a network based on Locustworld and am looking at redoing it in Mikrotik to overcome a few problems and create some consitency with my other networks.

I am not sure if it is "normal" but when I tried this on a Wrap 2C, it kept stopping on "Ready" as if waiting for input, but was totally unresponsive.

I had thought it'd failed.

However, after several attempts, trying this and that, (I set the baud rate to 38400 on the Netinstall) I had left it there for a while and after a few minutes it rebooted, put up a lot of strange characters, and then the clear screen with a few strange characters once more.
If you could read it , it is saying " Generating SSH key , Generating DSA key " , it takes a bit of time to do that .

You can change the serial speed in the BIOS of the WRAP to match the default of Mikrotik so you can read all the boot up stuff with changing speed of your client halfway through. NOt important now , but may be later if you have trouble.

If you use Winbox at this point , you can use it to log in , you don't need to set an ip or gateway.

It looked to me like a login in gibberish, so I typed "admin", hit enter, and up comes "Password:"
"Yipeee!" Hit enter again and up comes Mikrotik! Set the IP and gateway, and Winbox connects!
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Sun May 20, 2007 1:38 am

Boot any BSD or recent Linux on it and you should have no problems.
The WRAP is a pretty cool product even though it is getting relatively old. It's only real Achilles heal is the DMA problems.
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Sun May 20, 2007 5:55 pm

Hmmm... might try another CF.

Thanks for the replies.
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Re: Installing RouterOS on a WRAP

Mon May 28, 2007 6:23 am

Well tried another CF (128) and it boots in 30s, so it looks like it was the CF (which didn't boot in 3 minutes last time I tried).

Everything is fine, but it still comes up with gibberish at the initial login prompt, even though I have set the WRAP to match the MT baud rate.

Thanks everyone.
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Re: Installing RouterOS on a WRAP

Mon Jun 11, 2007 3:35 pm

some CF cards have broken controllers or work just plain slow under PIO.
Sandisk 128MB ones as an example.

Gibberish at the login prompt is that routeros defaults to 9600 for the login prompt.
It is actually easier to change the baud in the WRAP BIOS to 9600 for simpler access.

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