how do you do this with a new key? IE i have a wrap board and i just bought a new 1gb flash card and the usb do i pay for/install a lvl 4 lic, since the others are limited to 24 hrs.
I think better when you are make demo key first, before buy new license. cos with demo key you will able for your system not in 24 hours. that's methode my experince before buy key.
just visit than login with your account server click 'demo key' give your sofware ID on that page, after submited you will receive demo key to your email address.
while continue with demo key, please buy new key by send mail to sales[at] and your software ID attached, that methode assumse you have money transfered to Mikrotik or you have deposite payment on account server.
This my History in v2.9.xxxx for x86 with 6level installed:
Download-routerOS package
install-RouterOS ------ limit, 24h and check software ID by '/sy li pri' command
Paste 'demo key' ------ limit, i don't remember around 3 months
Order to sales with software ID attached, send to sales[at]
Payment process 'status OK'
receive 'new key' ------- i think working hour needed
Paste received key to RouterOS
end and go to check status by '/sy li print' from console