It clearly says to contact the seller, or email with detailed steps on what to send.
I'm not sure, to me the second part of looks as follow-up to first one, i.e. if I bought directly from you in last 30 days, then I have right to ask your support (and following section lists what exactly I should do), otherwise I shouldn't bother you and ask distributor/seller instead. It made me feel guilty every time I wrote to you
(but it was only five times total and I have relatively good score with four bugs and only one misundertanding about unexpected feature).
And official distributors, it wouldn't really occur to me to contact them, the ones here look like any other random computer eshop, with stuff from many other manufacturers, etc. Maybe if I was buying devices by thousands and had closer ties with them, I would sometimes ask them to help me with something I don't know, but even then it would seem pointless to discuss bugs with them, when they can't fix them anyway.