i want to make config nat with mikrotik.
i want to nat 10 valid ip to 100 invalid ip address.
because some vpn connection and tunnle programs will not work with nat by 1 ip address. please say me how can i do it.
thanks for your answer.
I have an isp. I have a nat with 1 valid ip address to 200 invalid address. some customers reports that they could not connect to vpn servers. they have seen error 619 that means the port is allrealy in use. when some one connects a vpn conection for example with l2tp port other one's could not connect their vpn connection. so i want to nat for example 10 ip address to 200 invalid ip address. but i dont know how.
thanks so much.
Or is your case ~ you want your customers to be able to open ports so that others from outside connect to your customers' VPNs? Can't be done without portforwarding....
Mapping internet IP addresses to LAN ip addresses is explained in the manual. But you would need to map 10 to 10, not 10 to 100!
i want to nat 1 ip address to for example 100 invalid address and route 5 valid ip to 5 invalid one.
i was nat my nat but i cant route addresses.
please explain me how can i do this or link me to mikrotik manual.
i checked that but i wasent se any thing about routing.
about NAT , I have 1 public IP and its natted to about 50 user , and we notice a dissconnect and reconnect in yahoo messenger .. could the 1 public IP couse this problem ?