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Monitoring bgp edge router.

Tue Oct 01, 2019 5:42 pm

Hi guys, Im trying to find some way to properly monitor and trigger notifications when bgp sessions and default routes changes on my mkt edge router.
Mine is a CCR1036-8G-2S+ running 6.44.5 (long-term).
Since mkt does not provide bgp state info over snmp , I need to go for different aproach.
Mkt support sugest to use ssh or api for this.
I can try these ideas but I need also to coordinate some nms to work along.
Other idea would be to trigger every x minutes the "route bgp peer print" comand and send it output to an api for parse and track status.
Anyway , I would like if some has soved this or do i need to reinvent wheel.

Hope to hear your ideas ,
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Re: Monitoring bgp edge router.

Tue Oct 01, 2019 8:31 pm

I am facing a similar issue, but instead for a network with multiple routers where it would be nice to monitor the peerings to detect issues before all network redundancy is lost and they show up as connectivity issues.
The problem is that it quickly becomes very specific to the situation at hand.
For example, for our network I wrote a small perl script that checks if BGP routes originate from the "correct" AS.
But even such a simple script is for almost half of it dependent on local conventions, ways to access the AS number data, etc.
So really difficult to share.
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Re: Monitoring bgp edge router.  [SOLVED]

Thu Oct 03, 2019 4:50 am

Check out these threads ..


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Re: Monitoring bgp edge router.

Fri Oct 04, 2019 3:59 pm

Check out these threads ..


is exactly what i was looking.
You are golden angel from sky.
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Re: Monitoring bgp edge router.

Fri Oct 04, 2019 5:18 pm

I tried that script and indeed it is valuable, installed it on some routers.