I have a home gateway router (hex S) connected to a hap AC to provide wireless network. So far, I've been using the hap AC as a dhcp server with a different subnet from the hex S. The problem is, I need the wifi clients to be in the same network as all the other devices due to dlna, wireless printer, etc...
So, I came up with the idea of using the hap AC as a switch:
1) I removed the dhcp server
2) I removed the ip-pool addresses previously used by the dhcp server
3) I enrolled all ports on the bridge (including the wireless ports and the sfp port, which is the one connected to the hex S)
4) I created a dhcp relay directing all requests to the hex S
Well, it doesn't work. I can't get an ip address from the wireless ports, neither from the ethernet ports of the hap AC.
What am I missing?