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MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Thu Oct 10, 2019 5:05 pm

Hi there,

after over a year, I was absolutely happy to see the new SwOS Version 2.10 with a lot of IGMP related improvements, finally it might be possible to use the switch together with "magentaTV" from 'Deutsche Telekom' (aka. T-Online) which requires absolutely IGMPv3 capable switches to work...:
*) do not ignore RSTP port state when forwarding DHCP, PPPoE or IGMP snooped packets;
*) IGMP snooping: send out IGMPv3 queries by default;
*) IGMP snooping: handle IGMPv3 leaves much better;
But.... no.... Mikrotik does not get it again.....

I got a rather large home network with a couple of vlans, so I seprated the T-Online Magenta IGMP-'hell' in its own VLAN let the untagging be done by the switches.

So I got the following infrastructure
Dell Poweconnect 7024
Dell Powerconnect 6224
several OpenWRT based Atheros/Broadcom devices as accesspoints (Linksys WRT32X, TP-Link Archer C7)
plus a couple of Netgear GS108E for 'behind the TV'

and..... my Mikrotik CSS 326-24G2S for my Lab.... which is currently (again) freed from my vlan 30 to not interfere with the IGMP-hell.....

Dear Mikrotik Engineers: What is so problematic about the correct, working implementation of IGMP? Yes I know, I hate the protocol maybe as much as you do, because it is not really good from any point of view - but since IPTV is finally arriving and with gigabit internet connections it makes finally a bit sense....

Why works a 25 € Netgear GS108E from a flash-sale on Amazon works way better than my 150 € Mikrotik "professional" Switch?

Sorry for the rant here.... but I bought the Mikrotik device when it came out, because I was convinced, because I was working a long time with Mikrotik Wireless devices and routers, and the only downside of my Mikrotik RB260GS was the lack of IGMP support.... I thought the CSS 326 would be absolutely ideal for me - but it wasn't, it isn't and I doubt it will ever be :-(

I am thinking about buying the CRS305-1G-4S+IN - to use it as a 10 GB ethernet core-switch - but - currently IGMP related I think it acts absolutely as the CSS326 is acting, making my IPTV based on IGMPv3 unusable....

So, please, explain to me, what is the problem and how can *I* help to help you fix it? Is there anything I can do? Maybe a pcap dump with timestamps what happens?

Would be awfully nice of you to make it finally a 'good' switch....

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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Fri Oct 11, 2019 7:48 pm

Hi, I am new to this forum and I am wondering if you got your problem resolved.
Some people here recommended emailing Please let me know if you get / got it resolved. Thanks!
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Mon Oct 14, 2019 5:25 pm

I was also happy to see new firmware update, hopping that it will solve my issues with IPTV.
Well, it's better, IPTV finally works without everything freezing after few seconds of viewing, but it's still stuttering every few seconds.

Hope we won't have to wait for such a long time for update that will resolve IPTV issues, my CSS106-1G-4P-1S is nothing more than a paper weight.

I'm also willing to help however I can in finding what's the issue of our problems :).
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Wed Oct 16, 2019 10:30 am

We have included major IGMP Snooping improvements in SwOS 2.10 version. As kwinz already mentioned, if you still face some IGMP Snooping related problems, you should report this to A detailed problem description together with screenshots, network diagram and packet captures would be much appreciated.
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Sat Nov 09, 2019 10:08 pm

We have included major IGMP Snooping improvements in SwOS 2.10 version. As kwinz already mentioned, if you still face some IGMP Snooping related problems, you should report this to A detailed problem description together with screenshosts, network diagram and packet captures would be much appreciated.
Erm... I already told you - and some other users as well - that there are still many issues as mentioned in *THIS VERY POST*....

We also offered you help in finding the bugs, but anything you do is "...we did everything right, if you got problems write to support...."

I am a bit disappointed... no... I am *VERY* disappointed...

"In 2.10 there are major improvements" Yes - did you read the Post or even only the header? The latest version is still buggy as hell regarding IGMP...
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Mon Nov 11, 2019 8:53 am

You need to share some more specific information (e.g. detailed problem description, device configuration, network diagram, screenshots from the "IGMP" menu and preferably packet captures), so we can reproduce your issue locally and fix it. Otherwise, I cannot predict what exactly is not working.
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Mon Dec 02, 2019 11:14 pm

Hello EdPa,
I am also encountering issues with a new CRS305-1G-4S+IN (swOS 2.10) failing to reliably route UDP Multicast (IGMP) packets.

My test scenario is:
system1 - MPEG-TS, UDP, Multicast, video output
system2 - join and monitor video transport. track and report MPEG-TS CC errors (continuity count)
(The video output streaming and monitoring is performed with TSreader - from

Test setup 1:
system1 with 10G SFP connected to Mikrotik CRS305
system2 with 10G SFP connected to Mikrotik CRS305
results: every few minutes system2 reports CC errors, implying packets are being lost

SwOS Stats tab: shows the 15M traffic
SwOS Errors tab: 0 errors
SwOS IGMP tab: Shows multicast IP

I repeated the exact same test with different switch's. Only the Mikrotik encounters CC errors.

Test setup 2:
system1 with 10G SFP connected to Cisco switch
system2 with 10G SFP connected to Cisco switch
results: No errors

Test setup 3:
system1 with 1G cat5 connected to consumer netgear switch
system2 with 1G cat5 connected to consumer netgear switch
results: No errors
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Tue Dec 17, 2019 5:41 am

This IGMPv3 issue is the main reason I held off on buying Mikrotik switches for my company.
I hope that the email support was actually effective and not a tactic to keep unhappy users out of the public forum @EdPa.

@vidtest , @4920441, @mirtouf (from the other thread):
I would appreciate if you let us know if your IGMP issues with Mikrotik switches get fixed. Thanks!
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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Mon Mar 09, 2020 6:49 pm

Hi, can confirm problem with CRS305-1G-4S+ and multicast even with IGMP version2, on firmware 2.10 & 2.11.
But it works on CSS326-24G-2S+ with both version 2.10 and 2.11
Runnig only SWOS.

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Re: MagentaTV / IGMPv3 and SwoS 2.10 for CSS 326-24G2S still not working :-(

Fri Oct 21, 2022 10:24 am

Any update on this issue after multiple years?

By the way: Every time a business contact asks me what I think about Mikrotik I keep pointing them to various year old issues that are collecting dust unresolved in the Mikrotik forum.
I love linking to this one.