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LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Wed Dec 18, 2019 12:51 am


my LTE CAT6 modem does disconnect every 2-3 minutes.
Can't see why this should happen. (SIM card works fine in mobile phone, same APN setup as well).
And it worked in the past on leap-mini without any issues.
23:09:22 lte,info WAN2-LTE: registered home 
23:09:29 interface,info WAN2-LTE link up 
23:11:04 lte,info WAN2-LTE: not registred, state: 0 
23:12:04 lte,error failed to register on network 
23:12:04 lte,account WAN2-LTE session: 155s 9158316/263300 bytes 8608/3405 packets 
23:12:04 interface,info WAN2-LTE link down 
23:12:11 lte,info WAN2-LTE: registered home 
23:12:18 interface,info WAN2-LTE link up 
23:14:20 lte,info WAN2-LTE: not registred, state: 0 
23:15:20 lte,error failed to register on network 
23:15:20 lte,account WAN2-LTE session: 181s 24826400/659577 bytes 22939/8566 packets 
23:15:20 interface,info WAN2-LTE link down 
23:15:27 lte,info WAN2-LTE: registered home 
23:15:34 interface,info WAN2-LTE link up 
23:16:06 lte,info WAN2-LTE: not registred, state: 0 
23:17:06 lte,error failed to register on network 
23:17:06 lte,account WAN2-LTE session: 92s 3397383/74285 bytes 3117/998 packets 
23:17:06 interface,info WAN2-LTE link down 
23:17:13 lte,info WAN2-LTE: registered home 
23:17:20 interface,info WAN2-LTE link up 
23:18:45 lte,info WAN2-LTE: not registred, state: 0 
23:19:45 lte,error failed to register on network 
23:19:45 lte,account WAN2-LTE session: 145s 39661952/778303 bytes 36336/10617 packets 
23:19:45 interface,info WAN2-LTE link down 
23:19:52 lte,info WAN2-LTE: registered home 
23:19:59 interface,info WAN2-LTE link up
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Wed Dec 18, 2019 1:36 am

[admin@MikroTik] > interface lte export
Try this:
interface lte set lte1 allow-roaming=no band="" modem-init="" network-mode=lte operator=""
interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=0" 
Good idea is enable logging:
/system logging action
add memory-lines=10000 name=test target=memory
/system logging
add action=test prefix=SXTR__LTE topics=lte
add action=test prefix=SXTR__GSM topics=gsm
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:24 pm

Hi SiB,

thanks for the advice. Strangely enough with your first command (the second one fails) the modem is now connected
without disconnection.
Thanks for that. I still need to test at night time, when load in my area increases a lot.

PS: When the failure appeared, the LTE1 status was: Rx/TX disabled, not searching. Why would the LTE interface not search for network?
I could understand that the network drops the connection, but the modem should always search and RF (Rx/TX) should always be enabled.
Seems to me like the module had some internal reset or so...?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Dec 19, 2019 12:35 pm

PS: When the failure appeared, the LTE1 status was: Rx/TX disabled, not searching. Why would the LTE interface not search for network?
I could understand that the network drops the connection, but the modem should always search and RF (Rx/TX) should always be enabled.
Seems to me like the module had some internal reset or so...?
What mens "Rx/TX disabled"? lte1 as interface can be disabled but Rx/Tx can have =0 or >0.
Why would the LTE interface not search for network?
If you just have enable 3g/lte then he drops to 3g and stay on it.
He try stay in LTE if you not use Cell Lock. I check on 3 ISP sim card's and he always try reconnect. (I put my SXTR&LTE6 on floor, even into metal box :) ) and after put it on place with signal the connectivity comeback to lte (in lte only mode) or 3g (if 3g.lte mode was selected before).

I know about issue with Rx=0, rsrq=19,5dB, other signal value freez what I currently checking with and decsribe it into: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=154848#p765554 but this is only when you use Cell Lock feature.

One bonus.
When i select Band=3 and CellLock (the same cell have 3g and lte) then when LTE is out-of-signal then 3g starts works for ever, never comeback to lte mode by himself. This works at CellLock with specific Band, and then the info give me earfcn&phy-cell on 3g connection what is never show in just simple 3g connection.

I hope my answer is ok :)
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Dec 20, 2019 12:16 am

Hi SiB

this is the error I get when the LTE link goes down and I don't understand why this happens
nor what it means.

Any idea?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Dec 20, 2019 1:32 pm

Hmm, I know only one situation todo this.
When I do CellLock at CellID with weak signal then this will happens.
Try do:
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*CELL=0"
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+RESET"
and check again.
Give me a feedback, please.

Please check your signal, maybe you are at "black hole" and time to change ISP or test other one?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sat Dec 21, 2019 4:22 am

also face stability problems with my new R11e-LTE6, in my case whole modem randomly hang, "AT+RESET" cmd from your post helped for now
signal is perfect, because im <50m from BTS
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sun Dec 22, 2019 10:20 am

/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*CELL=0"
Gives following error :
output: +CME ERROR: phone failure
and even reset command returns:
output: ERROR
I opened the audience and think I could probably try to replace the modem with a different one.
Do you know what other vendor module would work (It probably uses USB connection)?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Dec 27, 2019 1:49 am

I have a even stranger problem, the modem connects to my operator (NOS in Portugal), everything works fine, BUT! I have no Internet connection, the Mtik while doing a ping it shows the status TIMEOUT, I can see the TX working but no RX.

Plug a SIM card from another operator and boom, everything is ok... wtH?!?

I've already tried changing MTU, other things that I don't remember now, but the stupidity of all of this is that if I change from LTE to 3G I get Internet.... :evil:

Same SIM in a Huawei B something works perfectly... Does anybody knows what the hell is going one here?

PS: The LTE Cat4 modem works fine with tha F...... SIM card....
Thanks for your time :lol:
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Dec 27, 2019 4:26 pm

PS: The LTE Cat4 modem works fine with tha F...... SIM card....
you are at very cell edge, aren't you?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Dec 30, 2019 4:01 pm

WeWiNet, please write to with the description of your problem. If I understand that you don't have any CellLock command used - just regular configuration?
Setneuf, it looks like the signal might be too low for the Band20 LTE. What signal you were getting with the regular LTE card and was it using the same band and cell?
When you switch to 3G it could switch to different tower. Try to use LTE and disable the Band20 and check only band 1,3,7,8 and check if it finds any connection.
You can try to check the nearest LTE tower in the site to see which bands each tower supports (those are user data and might not have all the new data, you can also try to contribute your date if you have Android phone from your Region if you have the same LTE operator SIM card).
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:24 am

output: +CME ERROR: phone failure
output: ERROR
I cannot reproduce this behavior.
I can only get response like "no such item" or "failure: modem not ready" etc. but at+reset or at*cell=0 give me some proper responce.

Remember to provide more information like:
put [interface lte info lte1 once as-value ]
interface lte print detail
interface lte apn print detail
You should write to with attachment supout.rif file.
Do you know what other vendor module would work (It probably uses USB connection)?
I think the best is this one in Cat.6 and the same 2xCA:
Quectel EP06-E and wAP R ac (RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD) -> viewtopic.php?f=3&t=150368
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:35 am

also face stability problems with my new R11e-LTE6, in my case whole modem randomly hang, "AT+RESET" cmd from your post helped for now
signal is perfect, because im <50m from BTS
On hand you means Freeze ? IP address still assigned + lte1 up and running + Rx=0 + status signal not change at all like constans ?
Please read this: viewtopic.php?f=21&t=154848#p765554 Similar?
You use just normal (without CellLock)?
You enable lte topic in logging and discover someting?

Please provide:
put [interface lte info lte1 once as-value ]
interface lte print detail
interface lte apn print detail
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 02, 2020 4:59 am

I have a even stranger problem, the modem connects to my operator (NOS in Portugal), everything works fine, BUT! I have no Internet connection, the Mtik while doing a ping it shows the status TIMEOUT, I can see the TX working but no RX.
Plug a SIM card from another operator and boom, everything is ok... wtH?!?
You not use a Cell Lock by at-chat lte1 input="at*cell=2,3,,6400,143" ? Because in CellLock after loose signal at moment you stuck in offline mode. Maybe you assign only B20 or this is your only Band with signal?
In normal mode means at-chat lte1 input="at*cell=0" works me automatic migration into 3G (UMTS/HSDPA..)

I can confirm that different SIM cards works me different too.
CellLock at one ISP works with Cameback signal.
Other ISP SIM card works on R11e-LTE6 and USB E3372 and many devices like phones but not work in first version "SXT LTE 3-7".
At screen I see similar situation to my report viewtopic.php?f=21&t=154848#p765554
I've already tried changing MTU, other things that I don't remember now, but the stupidity of all of this is that if I change from LTE to 3G I get Internet....
It's like you do CellLock at 3G... OR you select that Band who works you only at 3G.
Please do:
interface lte set lte1 allow-roaming=no band="" modem-init="" network-mode=lte operator=""
# wait to new connection
interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=0"
# wait to new connection
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+RESET"
# wait longer because lte1 will disapeer from device
system routerboard usb power-reset
# wait longer because lte1 will disapeer from device
system resource irq print interval=1s where users~"usb1"
# COUNT is still upper?
Same SIM in a Huawei B something works perfectly... Does anybody knows what the hell is going one here?
PS: The LTE Cat4 modem works fine with tha F...... SIM card....
In general this is bad re-connecting stuff from MikroTik and we all try send own supout.rif to to produce better modem firmware who give us good stability, proper 2xCA and after long signal-off situation automatic registration in network and connection without own scripting.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Jan 03, 2020 9:38 pm

LTE1 status was: Rx/TX disabled, not searching
You must enable the AT logs by
/system logging action
add memory-lines=10000 name=test target=memory
/system logging
add action=test prefix=SXTR__LTE topics=lte
add action=test prefix=SXTR__GSM topics=gsm
do reboot of mikrotik to have got fresh situation.
Next please share log's or check the AT+CFUN.
CFUN=4 means "disable phone both transmit and receive RF circuits"
ROS send the AT+CFUN=1 to activate full functionality but before that do stuff like setup PIN, BAND's etc.

Remember that if device not work properly by out-of-box then you can give it to warranty.
Last edited by SiB on Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:36 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sun Jan 05, 2020 11:36 am

I have a even stranger problem, the modem connects to my operator (NOS in Portugal), everything works fine, BUT! I have no Internet connection, the Mtik while doing a ping it shows the status TIMEOUT, I can see the TX working but no RX.
Plug a SIM card from another operator and boom, everything is ok... wtH?!?
You not use a Cell Lock by at-chat lte1 input="at*cell=2,3,,6400,143" ? Because in CellLock after loose signal at moment you stuck in offline mode. Maybe you assign only B20 or this is your only Band with signal?
In normal mode means at-chat lte1 input="at*cell=0" works me automatic migration into 3G (UMTS/HSDPA..)

I can confirm that different SIM cards works me different too.
CellLock at one ISP works with Cameback signal.
Other ISP SIM card works on R11e-LTE6 and USB E3372 and many devices like phones but not work in first version "SXT LTE 3-7".
At screen I see similar situation to my report viewtopic.php?f=21&t=154848#p765554
I've already tried changing MTU, other things that I don't remember now, but the stupidity of all of this is that if I change from LTE to 3G I get Internet....
It's like you do CellLock at 3G... OR you select that Band who works you only at 3G.
Please do:
interface lte set lte1 allow-roaming=no band="" modem-init="" network-mode=lte operator=""
# wait to new connection
interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=0"
# wait to new connection
/interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+RESET"
# wait longer because lte1 will disapeer from device
system routerboard usb power-reset
# wait longer because lte1 will disapeer from device
system resource irq print interval=1s where users~"usb1"
# COUNT is still upper?
Same SIM in a Huawei B something works perfectly... Does anybody knows what the hell is going one here?
PS: The LTE Cat4 modem works fine with tha F...... SIM card....
In general this is bad re-connecting stuff from MikroTik and we all try send own supout.rif to to produce better modem firmware who give us good stability, proper 2xCA and after long signal-off situation automatic registration in network and connection without own scripting.

Hi again, tried only one band and nothing... I'm getting very dissapointed with this modem, is even worst than the r11e-lte... :-x


The modem connects, but no internet or anything come in from the provider.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sun Jan 05, 2020 12:58 pm

The modem connects, but no internet or anything come in from the provider.
Your screenshot give confirmation that you have got IP address from your ISP, connections is proper.
Show us this:
/ip address print  <- should print IP at lte1 interface
/ip route print    <- should print "ADS via lte1"
/interface lte apn print   <- should print "add-default-route=yes"
Means you must have in APN a add default route to yes or just a manualy route to via gateway=lte1.
And then you could do ping/tracert etc to internet.
Without default route via lte1 interface you not reach internet. Your screenshot show only 1/2 necessary stuff.

You just now write that you cannot RUN a internet. I thinking that it's working and you must do sometimes a reboot etc. to do re-connection. Or you setup some parameters who block you a connection but you have a primary start setup problem.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jan 06, 2020 10:39 am

I did not use the LTE modem for a while, but today when trying to use it my Audience CAT 6 modem is just completely stuck!!!
It toggles every 10 seconds the message in status: "tx and rc rf disabled" --> full --> "tx and rc rf disabled" --> full
Using same setup as always, nothing changed (same APN etc.). No cell lock used or anything like that.

Here the log that shows up:
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CPIN: READY 
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT*BAND? 
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd *BAND: 11, 78, 147, 480, 50923735, 0, 2, 2, 0 
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT*BAND=11,78,147,480,50923735,0,2,0 
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:35 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT*lteband=3,7,1,20,12,17,2,25,26,5,8,38,41,40,39 
09:19:36 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:37 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGDCONT=5,"IP","sl2sfr",0 
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param 
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGPCOAUTH=5,"","",0 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+COPS=0 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+COPS=3,0 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN=1 
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CPAS: 2 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:45 lte,debug WAN2-LTE: config ok 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN=4 
09:19:45 lte,async,event *RADIOPOWER: 1 
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CGEV: ME DETACH 
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CPAS: 5 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CPMS="SM","SM","SM" 
09:19:45 lte,async,event *RADIOPOWER: 0 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CPMS: 7,30,7,30,7,30 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN=4 
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK 
09:19:45 lte,async,raw WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN? 
09:19:45 lte,async,event *RADIOPOWER: 0
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jan 06, 2020 3:57 pm

Here the log that shows up:
09:19:37 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGDCONT=5,"IP","sl2sfr",0
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGPCOAUTH=5,"","",0
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+COPS=0
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+COPS=3,0
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN=1
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CPAS: 2
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd OK
09:19:45 lte,debug WAN2-LTE: config ok
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+CFUN=4
09:19:45 lte,async,event *RADIOPOWER: 1
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CGEV: ME DETACH
09:19:45 lte,async,event +CPAS: 5
In my opinion the WARRANTY needed. You can do supout.rif and ask the for confirmation.
Your R11e-LTE6 is inside PCB, not separate modem in mPCIe slot - info from photos at - means only warranty.

What is super wrong here.
09:19:37 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGDCONT=5,"IP","sl2sfr",0
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param
09:19:41 lte,async WAN2-LTE: sent AT+ZGPCOAUTH=5,"","",0
09:19:45 lte,async WAN2-LTE: rcvd +CME ERROR: Invalid Param
The APN "sl2sfr" I assume is correct, you can try write wrong and check what will change in logs but the error about invalid param's are wrong. Syntax is proper. Maybe the MTK support can know what generate that error but it's not your error I think. Realy, please contact with support because it's not problem to solve at forum.

I cannot give more info because all my ISP do correction of APN and even if I write "WrongAPN4884" then they are accept anythink as default "internet" but when I type specific like "internet.cp" then my ISP only at this APN give me a PublicIP. As you can see I cannot in my country write wrong apn and check what is normal response but the invalid syntax is like some other problem.
The CFUN=1 or CFUN=4 is normal and this give you this two state. Problem before is with APN syntax.
Please write to
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jan 06, 2020 4:20 pm


thanks for your advice.

I think I found my problem (hopefully).

Initial boot of LTE modem must complete once!!! (don't disrupt it)
When you do it correctly and then disable modem, I get good status:
"Not Searching"
"Pin ok"
Functionality: "minimum".

If I then need LTE modem I can enable it and it works!!!

Before I had after reset/power cycle, DSL and LTE i/f up and each try to get up. But DSL netwatch was disabling
LTE very shortly after boot (I think this was too early).
Now I added delay: I let LTE come up completly once after boot, and only then disable it...

I will try to test couple of times in coming days to see if this was really my issue.
If this is confirmed it would mean ROS to LTE modem communication is not robust enough and you need to gracefully disable LTE modem
(but I could be wrong ;-))
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jan 06, 2020 5:52 pm

Before I had after reset/power cycle, DSL and LTE i/f up and each try to get up. But DSL netwatch was disabling
LTE very shortly after boot (I think this was too early).
Now I added delay: I let LTE come up completly once after boot, and only then disable it...
Yes, I not know you script you have but the any startup stuff must have got some delay.
Even the /system reset-configuration run-after-reset=WithDelay.rsc must have added delay like 20s because it's not work. Means every export to file not will be works here as out-of-box and the "delay 20" must be added at first.

I see post's at forum when the "/interface lte set lte1 modem-init=" is not used and MikroTik employe give info to add scheduler with delay.
This is another good tip to have in memory. I hope this was a real problem here. Good Luck.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Tue Jan 07, 2020 10:07 am


I confirm for now, with LTE interface delay, my router continues to work correctly.

But I think it is not correct to depend on the user to foresee delay (how much???) when switching on/off an interface:
Example in my case:
- Netwatch starts at boot (but when???)
- In boot script I disable first thing the netwatch script (but when???).
Guess what happens? --> Boot script runs before or after netwatch is configured and therefore either I can't disable it really
or Netwatch already brought up LTE...
In my case Netwatch starts to work (I see the log) and then stops luckily before LTE went up... not a clean way to do things.

I have a workaround now but think ROS should take care of boot times/status of external modules (within the product) without having
user to add arbitrary delays...!
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:09 am

I have a workaround now but think ROS should take care of boot times/status of external modules (within the product) without having
user to add arbitrary delays...!
The good (or in this particular case: bad) thing about ROS is that it's completely open for everybody to adapt it according to their needs. So it's mighty hard to foresee everything in advance to make systematic work-arounds.

For example: netwatch is a generic command that checks L3 connectivity. It doesn't have any fine tuning parameters (such as defining route towards test target) and it relies on general router setup (which is mostly fine, but I can think of cases when one would prefer to have more control). Ditto for up/down actions, they are normal scripts. And I can imagine that not all interfaces are equal. For example, an ethernet interface with static IP set can be up and running within milliseconds after both ends enable their interfaces.

Broadband modems are on the other extreme end regarding startup time ... some time is taken by modem initialization (and it largely depends on modem type), some more time is taken by modem to find and register to mobile network ... this depends a lot on modem settings and on mobile network as a whole. Then it comes to data link establishment (in legacy technologies this is a separate operation and takes some time to authenticate user in MNO's core network while in LTE this is usually part of registration procedure). Which means that script which performs action on LTE modem should take these peculiarities into account ... e.g. skip the action on host down if ROS uptime is less than say 1 minute or delay script termination by 30 seconds after modem is being reset or something like this.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Tue Jan 07, 2020 11:21 am


I confirm for now, with LTE interface delay, my router continues to work correctly.

But I think it is not correct to depend on the user to foresee delay (how much???) when switching on/off an interface:
Example in my case:
- Netwatch starts at boot (but when???)
- In boot script I disable first thing the netwatch script (but when???).
Guess what happens? --> Boot script runs before or after netwatch is configured and therefore either I can't disable it really
or Netwatch already brought up LTE...
In my case Netwatch starts to work (I see the log) and then stops luckily before LTE went up... not a clean way to do things.
I have many scripts/schedulers but any of them are not interference that way to r11e-lte6 stops working properly. I don't understand what your script can execute who will be that mess.
My netwatch have got 10s interval and even is down-script have got at+reset then still works fine.
You can do few stuff.
Check when netwatch/scheduler start working - you can add line to generate a blue log entry to see every running of script in logs..
log warning ("UPTIME: ".[/system resource get uptime ])
You can add at start of any script just exiting is uptime is not 5m by:
local uptime [/system resource get uptime ]; if ($uptime < 5m) do={:error "Not now" };
I have a workaround now but think ROS should take care of boot times/status of external modules (within the product) without having
user to add arbitrary delays...!
Write it to
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Wed Jan 08, 2020 6:54 pm


Today I had again a couple of link downs after 25 minutes good LTE connection with the modem
stuck on same problem as I described earlier (not using any cell lock or so).

So my "workaround" did not really solves the issue.

I might need to move back to my RB4011 and use external LTE router!!!
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Wed Jan 08, 2020 8:04 pm

Today I had again a couple of link downs after 25 minutes good LTE connection with the modem
stuck on same problem as I described earlier (not using any cell lock or so).
So my "workaround" did not really solves the issue.
I might need to move back to my RB4011 and use external LTE router!!!
#1 you show some lte logs but not all and I write you to enable full logs and lte export in #2 - you not provide this.
#3+#5 you write about "Rx/TX disabled, not searching"
like in Cell/Freq Lock with bad settings.
#8 you write that "AT*CELL=0" give you "+CME ERROR: phone failure" or even "output: ERROR"
This is total bad like you have different modem from r11e-[ lte | lte6 ] but you still not provide full info or export of configuration.
I never see this on my r11e-lte6.
#11 Support of MikroTik write you to send them description to
but you not write about this.
#12 I write you to give "info lte1", prints from cli. Give you alternative modem on your request.
#15 I write you again request about logs and give hint that +CFUN is responsible about modem functionality mode.
#18 LOGs !!! with wrongs AT answers on common commends. Too strange and I write about warranty.
#20 You write about some start-up scripts but you not provide any export etc.

I still assume that your signature means we speak about ltap-mini but with what modem? I still don't know, because it can be buy without it and modem can be added. Modem version's US/4G/LTE/LTE6 works differ.
Maybe you works on old v6.x version and never do a modem upgrade by " interface lte firmware-upgrade lte1".
Maybe the at*cell is not proper for your and before error's are normal.

Still the errors #18 should work and if all this is not releated with ISP or just SIM card then you should use a warranty and write to long ago. They can install you a new releace candidate modem firmware v22, check logs from supout.rif or from your device etc. Realy. Without checking your export to finding kill-herself behavior in scripts/netwatch/etc. and bad doings the MTK Support can recommend you write RMA.
In my possition of regular user who read manual and can use google to do additional searching I can write you in my opinion new firmware or warranty are your way to solve your case.

Some person's write me PM into links from my signature and we do remote assistance with call. Firmware/Warranty is your way or bad configuration with scheduler who do every 2m the usb power-reset.
I hope you learn someting from my answers.
BR Marcin
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 09, 2020 8:29 pm

Hi Marcin,

I highly appreciate your effort to help me debug my setup!
For instance I was not aware of the delay you can add with "uptime", which helps me for other things as well!
Therefore thank you for all your good advice. You are for me Mr. LTE!!!

Right now I can't and don't want to spent much more time on debugging it.
It works so-so which is for now enough (and I like the Audience for the rest of its Wifi functionality).

For completeness my config below. As you see it is as basic as it could be. When I drop my SIM card in an ASKEY LTE router,
a Laptop with 3G modem etc it always "just works", (and in general gives me higher data rates than the LTE11-CAT6 modem).
/interface lte export
/interface lte apn
add apn=my-apn name="My-APN-Name"
/interface lte
set [ find ] apn-profiles="My-APN-Name" mac-address=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx mtu=1480 name=\
    WAN2-LTE network-mode=3g,lte
Subject closed :-)
PS: If I go to Prague, I pay you a beer, how about that ?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 09, 2020 9:15 pm

Subject closed :-)
PS: If I go to Prague, I pay you a beer, how about that ?
Beer Accepted, I will be in Prague and I just create a t-shirt with my avatar and footer/signature on it. Beer connecting ppl :)
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jul 13, 2020 10:50 am

I have this issue on the new Mikrotik LTE Audience.
  • I have upgraded to latest lte modem firmeware.
    I have tested all different routerboard software (testing/beta/stable)
    Upgraded routerboard firmware.
I can reproduce this issue with LTE disconnecting by just starting a simple speedtest.

Any news on a working workaround, or is it a hardware bug? I have another Mikrotik Chateu LTE router, and it is working just fine...
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Jul 13, 2020 1:33 pm

Watch LTE parameters: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=153622&hilit=watchdog#p768105
Enable logs: /system logging add topics=lte

with this you can see when and how often the cell/tower will be change - this should be start point for you.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Dec 17, 2020 3:06 pm

Good afternoon. I have a similar problem. Yesterday i installed a new Mikrotik RBwAPGR-5HacD2HnD, Ros version 6.47.8, modem firmware version R11e-LTE6_V026. Approximately every 60-120 minutes, the connection breaks "failed to register on network". Is this a common problem with this modem or is there already a solution?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Dec 18, 2020 12:44 am

R11e-LTE6_V026. Approximately every 60-120 minutes, the connection breaks "failed to register on network". Is this a common problem with this modem or is there already a solution?
That behavior is know from few problems and you have enabled logs but not show all who do breake.

You should show logs from before brakes happend, only some lines give me a clue....

Please public the result of:
/log print file=log.txt

You can search if you have got a error just after SIMDETECT=2,NOP - if yes then this is solved in new firmware. Then please write to or
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:31 pm

Hi! I have exactly the same problem with my lhg lte6 kit. Modem disconnects every 30-40 minutes with "failed to register on network". firmware R11e-LTE6_V026, ros 6.48
log screenshots are here,
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:14 pm

any help here? I really have no idea with that. I've found a similar problem viewtopic.php?f=13&t=171251&p=837995#p837207
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Jan 07, 2021 4:29 am

I heard 2 things to try.

1. is to bulk up your sim card with some tape at the back of it to ensure its pushing up against the pins, as apparently some sim's are thinner than the specification
2. There is a beta v027(as of Jan2021) that mikrotik can send you. They will also ask you to put the current LONG-TERM RoS on your device with that update too.

Ensure your power supply can supply the amperage too. !
Whats your signal levels too when its is runnings ?
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Jan 15, 2021 12:43 pm

Tech support Mikrotik recommended me to stick tape on the back of the SIM card. So-so solution, did not try. With the SIM card of another operator, there were no breaks, the thickness is the same. As a result, we decided to take the Mikrotik to the store, and instead buy a regular router, which was sold by the telecom operator itself. With their router, everything works stably, while it is 3 times cheaper. For the home, this router is enough with the head, users are happy. I came to the conclusion that the problem is a conflict between the equipment or networks of a particular provider and the Mikrotic modem. In this case, we decided not to go too deep into the reasons and replaced the router. I have already installed several hundred Mikrotiks of various models and never had any problems.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Feb 04, 2021 11:36 am

It is possible to lock R11e-LTE6 modem in hAP ac3 to work only on Primary band? When modem using primary-band and ca-band it is unstable.
When modem using Primary-band B7@15MHz and ca-band B3@10MHz connection was lost every 30-60 minutes. When modem change primary-band to B1 and ca-band to nothing, signal is stable, connection too (9hours).

Distance to tower is ~200m.

When primary-band: B7@15MHz and ca-band: B3@10MHz

When primary-band: B1@10MHz and ca-band: B20@10MHz

I have ROS v6.46.8 (long-term) and R11e-LTE6 V026.
Feb/03/2021 23:51:13 script,warning primary-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/03/2021 23:51:13 script,warning ca-band:  -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 00:48:40 script,warning current-cellid: 57376799 -> 57376819
Feb/04/2021 00:48:43 script,warning primary-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 00:48:43 script,warning ca-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 00:51:22 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 00:51:49 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 00:55:22 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:06:29 script,warning current-cellid: 57376819 -> 
Feb/04/2021 01:06:29 script,warning enb-id: 224128 -> 
Feb/04/2021 01:06:29 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 01:06:29 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 01:07:36 script,warning current-cellid:  -> 57376789
Feb/04/2021 01:07:36 script,warning enb-id:  -> 224128
Feb/04/2021 01:07:39 script,warning current-cellid: 57376789 -> 57376799
Feb/04/2021 01:07:42 script,warning primary-band:  -> B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:07:42 script,warning ca-band:  -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:07:45 script,warning primary-band: B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75 -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:12:51 script,warning current-cellid: 57376799 -> 57376819
Feb/04/2021 01:12:54 script,warning primary-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:12:54 script,warning ca-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 01:50:54 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 01:51:15 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 03:09:35 script,warning current-cellid: 57376819 -> 57376789
Feb/04/2021 03:09:38 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 03:19:54 script,warning current-cellid: 57376789 -> 57376819
Feb/04/2021 03:19:57 script,warning primary-band: B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75 -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 03:41:43 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 03:43:11 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 05:10:37 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 05:10:55 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 05:40:52 script,warning current-cellid: 57376819 -> 57376789
Feb/04/2021 05:40:55 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:16:58 script,warning current-cellid: 57376789 -> 57376799
Feb/04/2021 10:17:01 script,warning primary-band: B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75 -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:17:01 script,warning ca-band:  -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:24:04 script,warning Internet  is down
Feb/04/2021 10:24:11 script,warning current-cellid: 57376799 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:24:11 script,warning enb-id: 224128 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:24:11 script,warning primary-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:24:11 script,warning ca-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:25:17 script,warning current-cellid:  -> 57376819
Feb/04/2021 10:25:17 script,warning enb-id:  -> 224128
Feb/04/2021 10:25:17 script,warning primary-band:  -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:25:17 script,warning ca-band:  -> B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:25:30 script,warning Internet is up
Feb/04/2021 10:26:44 script,warning current-cellid: 57376819 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:26:44 script,warning enb-id: 224128 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:26:44 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:26:44 script,warning ca-band: B7@15Mhz earfcn: 3025 phy-cellid: 75 -> 
Feb/04/2021 10:27:00 script,warning Internet is down
Feb/04/2021 10:27:39 script,warning current-cellid:  -> 57376779
Feb/04/2021 10:27:39 script,warning enb-id:  -> 224128
Feb/04/2021 10:27:42 script,warning current-cellid: 57376779 -> 57376820
Feb/04/2021 10:27:42 script,warning ca-band:  -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:27:45 script,warning primary-band:  -> B20@10Mhz earfcn: 6200 phy-cellid: 63
Feb/04/2021 10:27:45 script,warning ca-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> B20@10Mhz earfcn: 6200 phy-cellid: 64
Feb/04/2021 10:27:48 script,warning current-cellid: 57376820 -> 57376819
Feb/04/2021 10:27:48 script,warning primary-band: B20@10Mhz earfcn: 6200 phy-cellid: 63 -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 76
Feb/04/2021 10:27:48 script,warning ca-band: B20@10Mhz earfcn: 6200 phy-cellid: 64 -> B20@10Mhz earfcn: 6200 phy-cellid: 63
Feb/04/2021 10:27:51 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 76 -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Feb/04/2021 10:27:54 script,warning current-cellid: 57376819 -> 57376779
Feb/04/2021 10:27:57 script,warning current-cellid: 57376779 -> 57376789
Feb/04/2021 10:28:00 script,warning Internet  is up
Feb/04/2021 10:28:00 script,warning primary-band: B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75 -> B1@10Mhz earfcn: 54 phy-cellid: 75
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Feb 25, 2021 11:27 am

It seems that you have defective of your antenna or modem unit.
Go on with your router to reseller for warranty, they should replace it to you.
At least I had such kind situation with my LHGG LTE6.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Feb 26, 2021 1:40 pm

It is possible to lock R11e-LTE6 modem in hAP ac3 to work only on Primary band? When modem using primary-band and ca-band it is unstable.
When modem using Primary-band B7@15MHz and ca-band B3@10MHz connection was lost every 30-60 minutes. When modem change primary-band to B1 and ca-band to nothing, signal is stable, connection too (9hours).
You have change BTS/eNB few times and theyr antennas... like it's not stable connection to one antenna.
It's like modem try to hard to connect and cannot select one proper bts.

We cannot disable 2CA at R11e-LTE6 but you can just enable one Band and this lock you at one band only.
Then you can still have changes between this one Band but you say B1 is stable if it's not 2CA, maybe other better Bands will work for you.

Other way is just lock to specific BTS Antenna - this is only selective for Primary Band.
e.g. of your logs: -> B3@10Mhz earfcn: 1749 phy-cellid: 75
Then ... _Cell_lock
  • Cell Lock /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=2,3,,1749,75"
  • FreqLock /interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*Cell=1,3,,1749"
Poland ISP Freq from UKE:
UKE B3_1_7.png
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Fri Feb 26, 2021 5:47 pm

P.S. You can write me at Telegram message. Zapraszam.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Thu Mar 04, 2021 4:51 am

Today one person with similar problem was solved his issue by new firmware from Mikrotik.

His problem was similar, after few minutes, max 20m he is disconnected.. like 2-20 minutes of connection.
His erros: Image
If you have that error, go to - only vendor can fix and upgrade you a firmware.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon Apr 05, 2021 6:33 pm

Tech support Mikrotik recommended me to stick tape on the back of the SIM card. So-so solution, did not try. With the SIM card of another operator, there were no breaks, the thickness is the same.

Mikrotik is right, although this usually works only for a while. I had to use these

Mikrotik's sim card slots are crap, the metal is probably too thin, but you can't blame only Mikrotik for this. Second problem are sim cards of some operators, that are pre-cut to all sizes, so that every lame user from street can press it and reduce it to a size for his phone. I have hundreds of tiks and I think I don't have a single one with standard mini sim card slot and pre-cut simcard, than would keep working. The sim card always breaks in the pre-cut lines, resulting to the pins now pushing the free-to-move nano sim card upwards and loosing contact. It may take more than a year, but it happens. With micro-sim slots, it happens much less.

If you look at the standard mini-sim card on the picture, you can see the pre-cut lines that create micro and nano sim. I had problems with old school (not pre-cut) mini-sim cards too, but it was very rare compared to the pre-cut ones now. So different cards of different manufacturers/operators can have different ability to function in this case. To stick tape on the back is generally a good idea, but anything hard works much better than soft tapes
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:19 pm

Dear partners

Who can explain this anomaly to me, I have an LHG R to which I replace the cat4 modem with a Cat6, the cat4 worked well, replace it with cat6 to obtain a greater bandwidth which was unsuccessful since the network does not support AC It is only LTE and the maximum bandwidth it provides is 60Mbps download and 20Mbps Uplink, however I am not receiving the adequate bandwidth even though I have the tower at 500m with the cat6 I get RSRP values -57dbm
RSRQ -11.5db, SINR 18db, CQi 14
Using cat4, I obtained values lower than those described by tiring a maximum of SINR 11 db and achieving a bandwidth of at least 20Mbps.
So the question is someone in the group has experienced a similar behavior, it is worth noting that my location is Venezuela where LTE services are very poor and there is any suggestion to reconfigure and obtain an acceptable bandwidth

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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Mon May 24, 2021 6:33 pm

since the network does not support AC
What this means? CA like Carrier Aggregation but AC is like hAP AC?
I see you have B3 only. You should check the CellMonitor results to discover if you can see other tower's signals.
You can check website like CellMonitor to check what Towers are in your area.

It is only LTE and the maximum bandwidth it provides is 60Mbps download and 20Mbps Uplink, however I am not receiving the adequate bandwidth even though I have the tower at 500m with the cat6 I get RSRP values -57dbm RSRQ -11.5db, SINR 18db, CQi 14
Using cat4, I obtained values lower than those described by tiring a maximum of SINR 11 db and achieving a bandwidth of at least 20Mbps
CellMonitor first. Transfers like <1Mb with that good signals means your R11e-LTE6 is failed, or antennas are not connected properly, or your ISP start limit your IMEI and prev. module can work at your plan. Some of that stuff are here in your case.

PS. you should create a new case, this is about other stuff.
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Re: LTE CAT6 modem disconnecting every 2-3 minutes

Sat Oct 09, 2021 10:16 pm

problem is a sim slot. I have lhgg , worked fine. but i tested other routers, so i took sim out, changed it many times and after one changing it started giving errors - after 10-20 minutes lte1 disconnections. took the sim out, dont know if its helps. i had so many issues always with mikrotik devices. looks like theres no point of using these.