I have two GrooveA-52HPn's at a client site that have been there for a few years. They're managed by CAPsMAN on a hEX r3. All the devices onsite are running ROS 6.42
One of the Groove's is damaged (cable won't click in) and the other has suspect behaviour (Ethernet link dropping out randomly), so I want to replace them both and test them thoroughly.
I have two new GrooveA-52HPn r2's running 6.44.6 and I've connected them to the network (directly to the hEX yesterday, and today remotely via an EoIP link). They're connecting to CAPsMAN but not picking up an SSID and always using the 5GHz band even though CAPsMAN is configured to use 2.4GHz B/G/N.
The network onsite is hEX -> CRS125 -> Omnitik -> SXT -> Groove
I'm not too keen to upgrade ROS on the existing equipment as the site is 100km away, and the archive link to download 6.42 is broken, so if the issue is caused by differing ROS versions that might be a problem.
The new Groove's work fine in 2.4GHz mode when configured manually, but I want to use CAPsMAN forwarding and I don't want to change the password on every AP each time it needs changing.
Any idea what could be causing the Groove's to ignore the CAPsMAN configuration?