are you using Mikrotik to block ads? I know there is i.e. Pi-hole but I'm afraid pages loading will work slower if there will be requests to raspberry.
Tried it but it seems to not work for me, maybe I skipped something.
IP - DHCP - Networks - added IP of my mikrotik to DNS
/ip firewall nat
add action=redirect chain=dstnat dst-port=53 in-interface=bridge protocol=udp
checked all sites in, wrote, added script to my mikrotik
## StopAD - Script for blocking advertisements, based on your defined hosts files
## For changing any parameters, please, use this link:
## @github <>
## @version 2.3.0
## Setup this Policy for script: [X] Read [X] Write [X] Policy [X] Test
:local hostScriptUrl ",,,,,,,";
:local scriptName "stop_ad.script";
:local backupFileName "before_stopad";
:local logPrefix "[StopAD]";
do {
/tool fetch check-certificate=no mode=https url=$hostScriptUrl dst-path=("./".$scriptName);
:delay 3s;
:if ([:len [/file find name=$scriptName]] > 0) do={
/system backup save name=$backupFileName;
:delay 1s;
:if ([:len [/file find name=($backupFileName.".backup")]] > 0) do={
/ip dns static remove [/ip dns static find comment=ADBlock];
/import file-name=$scriptName;
/file remove $scriptName;
:log info "$logPrefix AD block script imported, backup file (\"$backupFileName.backup\") created";
} else={
:log warning "$logPrefix Backup file not created, importing AD block script stopped";
} else={
:log warning "$logPrefix AD block script not downloaded, script stopped";
} on-error={
:log warning "$logPrefix AD block script download FAILED";
Any idea?