What client device are you using for this test? Is it 2x2 or 3x3?
I'm using MacBook Pro with 3x3. As I said I don't want to be unfair to compare it to a Ruckus R710, but
I'm simply using claims by MikroTik specs.
I also created this chart a while back when first disappointed by RB4011 WiFi performance.
It seems newer software or hardware is limiting USA to zero DFS channels, when in the past
I was able to use the legal DFS channels here. In the past, we could choose "United States" or "United States 3".
Now it appears limited to "United States 3".
5GHZ Width Avail-1 RSSI/Noise Avg DN Avail-2 RSSI/Noise Avg DN Avail-3 RSSI/Noise Avg DN
20/40/80MHz-Ceee 36 (5180) -46/-92 200Mbs 149 (5745) -47/-92 280Mbs 153 (5765) -45/-97 80Mbs
20/40/80MHz-eCee 40 (5200) -48/-95 230Mbs 153 (5765) -48/-93 230Mbs 157 (5785) -46/-98 80Mbs
20/40/80MHz-eeCe 44 (5220) -44/-93 260Mbs 157 (5785) -47/-93 220Mbs 161 (5805) -44/-98 95Mbs
20/40/80MHz-eeeC 48 (5240) -46/-93 220Mbs 161 (5805) -44/-93 230Mbs 165 (5825) -45/-98 85Mbs