Good day.
We have RB3011UiAS and trying lab to prevent a loop with "Loop Protect" feature but with interesting result.
When we make the loop we see this messages in log:
time=16:23:40 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610 received loop protect packet originated from E4:8D:8C:7E:31:37 (ether2)"
time=16:23:41 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (e4:8d:8c:7e:31:37), probably loop"
time=16:23:46 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (e4:8d:8c:7e:31:37), probably loop"
time=16:23:51 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (e4:8d:8c:7e:31:37), probably loop"
time=16:23:55 topics=interface,warning message="ether2 excessive broadcasts/multicasts, probably a loop"
time=16:23:56 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (e4:8d:8c:7e:31:37), probably loop"
time=16:24:01 topics=interface,warning message="ether2.1610: bridge port received packet with own address as source address (e4:8d:8c:7e:31:37), probably loop"
So Routerboard find this loop correctly. But do nothing to prevent it. CPU ~ 100%. The FW is 6.37.1, loop protect is on and disable time is 1 minute.
And only after 1 minute (disable time) we see:
time=16:25:10 topics=interface,info message="ether2.1610 link down"
time=16:25:10 topics=interface,info message="ether2.1610 link up"
Why loop protect didn't shut down vlan after loop detected?
Thank you.