I have a problem that I cannot resolve for as long as I've been using CAPsMAN.
My setup is as follows:
- UK, end of terrace house
- 1x hex1 NAT router running CAPsMAN
- 2x CAP AC (RBcAPGi-5acD2nD)
- 1 on ground floor
- 1 on first floor
The problem is that when WiFi provisioned through CAPsMAN and a client (eg. phone) moves say from ground floor to 1st floor and hence roams from the ground floor AP to the 1st floor AP all the clients connected to the downstairs AP loose the IP connectivity for about a minute. That connectivity lose is not that they get disconnected straight away, no the WiFi connection status stays up but they get no response to anything sent to the network on the IP level.
So I basically observe this like this:
I keep constant PING from my laptop to the hex1 router... another WiFi client connected roams between APs (off my AP to the other one). I can see that my ping to the hex1 stop for 20-60s and eventually come back with response times 4000ms gradually improving to sub 1ms. Sometimes in order to get the connectivity restored I have to manually disconnect from the WiFi and reconnect and sometimes even this doesn't help - the client connects to the WiFi, gets the IP but soon after the IP connectivity is so erratic that nothing really works. Pings will be 99% failed.
CAPs don't log anything, hex1 (CAPsMAN) log client disconnect and reconnect to the other AP (roaming) but nothing beyond that.
I've tried the obvious bits:
- upgrade firmware on all devices
- switching channels
- disabling/enabling 40/80 MHz channel widths
- modifying data rates
- enabling/disabling access-lists for improving roaming
- etc.
This behavior doesn't happen when the CAPs work individually (are not provisioned by CAPsMAN but are configured locally on CAPs). At the moment with this completely unacceptable behavior I must operate without CAPsMAN provisioning as it's simply unacceptable to randomly loose the WiFi connectivity.
Here's the CAPsMAN config export followed by my CAPs bridge configs:
Code: Select all
# mar/31/2020 14:29:36 by RouterOS 6.46.4
# software id = 30UK-GSGJ
# model = RB760iGS
# serial number = A51B0953DB45
/caps-man channel
add frequency=2412 name=CH1
add frequency=2417 name=CH2
add frequency=2422 name=CH3
add frequency=2427 name=CH4
add frequency=2432 name=CH5
add frequency=2437 name=CH6 save-selected=no
add frequency=2442 name=CH7
add frequency=2447 name=CH8
add frequency=2452 name=CH9
add frequency=2457 name=CH10
add frequency=2462 name=CH11
add frequency=2467 name=CH12
add frequency=2472 name=CH13
add frequency=2484 name=CH13
add frequency=5180 name=CH36
add frequency=5200 name=CH40
add frequency=5220 name=CH44
add frequency=5240 name=CH48
add frequency=5260 name=CH52
add frequency=5280 name=CH56
add frequency=5300 name=CH60
add frequency=5320 name=CH64
add frequency=5500 name=CH100
add frequency=5520 name=CH104
add frequency=5540 name=CH108
add frequency=5560 name=CH112
add frequency=5580 name=CH116
add frequency=5600 name=CH120
add frequency=5620 name=CH124
add frequency=5640 name=CH128
add frequency=5660 name=CH132
add frequency=5680 name=CH136
add frequency=5700 name=CH140
add frequency=5745 name=CH149
add frequency=5765 name=CH153
add frequency=5785 name=CH157
add frequency=5805 name=CH161
add frequency=5825 name=CH165
/caps-man datapath
add arp=enabled client-to-client-forwarding=yes local-forwarding=yes name=datapath-local_forwarding
/caps-man rates
add basic=12Mbps name="GN Only - No B rates" supported=12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps
add basic=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps,6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps name=BGN supported=1Mbps,2Mbps,5.5Mbps,11Mbps,6Mbps,9Mbps,12Mbps,18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps
/caps-man security
add authentication-types=wpa2-psk disable-pmkid=yes eap-methods=passthrough encryption=aes-ccm group-encryption=aes-ccm group-key-update=23h59m59s name=WIFISSID-WPA2-PSK
/caps-man configuration
add channel=CH1 channel.band=2ghz-g/n channel.control-channel-width=20mhz channel.extension-channel=disabled channel.tx-power=12 country="united kingdom" datapath=datapath-local_forwarding datapath.client-to-client-forwarding=yes datapath.local-forwarding=yes disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors guard-interval=any hw-protection-mode=rts-cts hw-retries=13 \
keepalive-frames=enabled multicast-helper=full name=2.4G-living_room rates=BGN rx-chains=0,1,2,3 security=WIFISSID-WPA2-PSK ssid=WIFISSID tx-chains=0,1,2,3
add channel=CH11 channel.band=2ghz-g/n channel.control-channel-width=20mhz channel.extension-channel=disabled channel.tx-power=12 country="united kingdom" datapath=datapath-local_forwarding datapath.client-to-client-forwarding=yes datapath.local-forwarding=yes disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors guard-interval=any hw-protection-mode=rts-cts hw-retries=\
10 keepalive-frames=enabled multicast-helper=full name=2.4G-landing rates=BGN rx-chains=0,1,2,3 security=WIFISSID-WPA2-PSK ssid=WIFISSID tx-chains=0,1,2,3
add channel=CH149 channel.band=5ghz-n/ac channel.control-channel-width=20mhz channel.extension-channel=Ceee channel.tx-power=22 country="united kingdom" datapath=datapath-local_forwarding datapath.client-to-client-forwarding=yes datapath.local-forwarding=yes disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors frame-lifetime=15s guard-interval=any hw-protection-mode=\
rts-cts hw-retries=15 installation=any keepalive-frames=enabled multicast-helper=full name=5G-living_room rates="GN Only - No B rates" rx-chains=0,1,2,3 security=WIFISSID-WPA2-PSK ssid=WIFISSID tx-chains=0,1,2,3
add channel=CH52 channel.band=5ghz-n/ac channel.control-channel-width=20mhz channel.extension-channel=Ceee channel.tx-power=22 country="united kingdom" datapath=datapath-local_forwarding datapath.client-to-client-forwarding=yes datapath.local-forwarding=yes disconnect-timeout=3s distance=indoors frame-lifetime=15s guard-interval=any hw-protection-mode=\
rts-cts hw-retries=15 installation=any keepalive-frames=enabled multicast-helper=full name=5G-landing rates="GN Only - No B rates" rx-chains=0,1,2,3 security=WIFISSID-WPA2-PSK ssid=WIFISSID tx-chains=0,1,2,3
/caps-man access-list
add action=accept allow-signal-out-of-range=10s client-to-client-forwarding=yes disabled=yes interface=all signal-range=-80..120 ssid-regexp="" time=0s-1d,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
add action=reject allow-signal-out-of-range=10s client-to-client-forwarding=yes disabled=yes interface=all signal-range=-120..-81 ssid-regexp="" time=0s-1d,sun,mon,tue,wed,thu,fri,sat
add action=reject allow-signal-out-of-range=10s comment="Matylda Galaxy tab A 2019" disabled=yes mac-address=0C:2F:B0:27:CA:48
/caps-man manager
set ca-certificate=auto certificate=auto enabled=yes upgrade-policy=suggest-same-version
/caps-man manager interface
set [ find default=yes ] forbid=yes
add disabled=no interface=LAN_bridge
/caps-man provisioning
add action=create-dynamic-enabled comment=Living_room-2.4G hw-supported-modes=gn master-configuration=2.4G-living_room name-format=prefix-identity name-prefix=2.4G radio-mac=B8:69:F4:83:8D:88
add action=create-dynamic-enabled comment=Landing-2.4G hw-supported-modes=gn master-configuration=2.4G-landing name-format=prefix-identity name-prefix=2.4G radio-mac=B8:69:F4:D5:46:3C
add action=create-dynamic-enabled comment=Living_room-5G hw-supported-modes=ac master-configuration=5G-living_room name-format=prefix-identity name-prefix=5G radio-mac=B8:69:F4:83:8D:89
add action=create-dynamic-enabled comment=Landing-5G hw-supported-modes=ac master-configuration=5G-landing name-format=prefix-identity name-prefix=5G radio-mac=B8:69:F4:D5:46:3D
Code: Select all
/interface bridge print
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R ;;; defconf
name="LAN_bridge" mtu=auto actual-mtu=1500 l2mtu=1596 arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto mac-address=B8:69:F4:86:C3:B0 protocol-mode=none fast-forward=yes
igmp-snooping=no auto-mac=no admin-mac=B8:69:F4:86:C3:B0 ageing-time=5m vlan-filtering=no dhcp-snooping=no
Code: Select all
/interface bridge port print
Flags: X - disabled, I - inactive, D - dynamic, H - hw-offload
0 H ;;; defconf
ether2 LAN_bridge yes 1 0x40 10 10 none
1 H ;;; defconf
ether3 LAN_bridge yes 1 0x50 10 10 none
2 H ;;; defconf
ether4 LAN_bridge yes 1 0x50 10 10 none
3 H ;;; defconf
ether5 LAN_bridge yes 1 0x50 10 10 none
4 I ;;; defconf
Code: Select all
Flags: X - disabled, R - running
0 R ;;; defconf
name="bridgeLocal" mtu=auto actual-mtu=1500 l2mtu=1598 arp=enabled arp-timeout=auto mac-address=B8:69:F4:D5:46:30 protocol-mode=none fast-forward=yes
igmp-snooping=no auto-mac=no admin-mac=B8:69:F4:D5:46:30 ageing-time=5m vlan-filtering=no dhcp-snooping=no
Code: Select all
;;; defconf
0 H ether1 bridgeLocal yes 1 0x10 10 10 none
;;; defconf
1 IH ether2 bridgeLocal yes 1 0x20 10 10 none
2 wlan1 bridgeLocal 1 0x80 10 10 none
3 wlan2 bridgeLocal 1 0x80 10 10 none