I have 2 LHG LTE6 and I notice when several clients are connected after a certain time aggregation does not work more and there is just one band left? if you disable and enable LTE the band aggregation comes back but not long?I have got "SXTR rev2 & R11e-LTE6 kit" by 1 day.
SIM are not up/down but a/b.
2CA works. Cell/SectorID lock works for primary band and second one "ca-band" works automatical. This lock is now save inside modem, we not must use modem-init.
It's inside house now. I prepare place outsite at 5m up.
My BTS is 3km at 80m up.
LTE works like you say, CA begin only if it needed.i noticed my LTE6 modem always connects to just 1 (highest) band at start, but later at download/stress it connects to 2nd. Dont know how exactly CA works, but maybe some BTS drops idle connections to don't hold resources?
do {ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment=[/system resource get uptime] } on-error={};
/local NetWatchDuration ([/system resource get uptime] - [/ip firewall layer7-protocol get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment])
/log warning ("Netwatch: UP | check | OffLine Duration was: ".$NetWatchDuration)
/ip firewall layer7-protocol set [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment=[/system resource get uptime];
do {ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment=[/system resource get uptime] } on-error={};
/local NetWatchDuration ([/system resource get uptime] - [/ip firewall layer7-protocol get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment])
/log warning ("Netwatch: DOWN | check | OnLine Duration was: ".$NetWatchDuration)
/ip firewall layer7-protocol set [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment=[/system resource get uptime];
/system script run RestoreInternet
/system script set RestoreInternet dont-require-permissions=yes
SXTR have switch chipset Atheros 8227 means ~197Mbps transfer is possible. Main question if R11e-LTE6 have got USB magistral >100Mb and the Atheros8227 have got to CPU >100Mbps because Qualcomm 9531 have internal switch 100Mb and this can be our bottleneck.Hi people!
Is there any way to bond ether1 and ether2 interfaces on sxt lte6 to gain internet speeds above 100Mbps?
Easy, all person who are not in city who are happy when reach 20/5Mb. For them and me a limit of 100Mb is not problem.For this specific device, DL speed is up to 300 mbps but ethernet port can handle only 100 mbit, what's the point in purchasing this device then?
Thank you SiB ! Not sure i understand, where is the RestoreIntenet script ? Is the script restore Carrier aggregation if it lost ? I try to make just a copy/paste on Netwatch but i keep going to loose CA...I add some information.
One time I do a table of possible 2xCA in EMEA Band's for EP06 and R11e-LTE6:
Modem Firmware v20 is very often use the ca-band on normal and CellLock situation.
Signal levels we see from a primary band.
Both bands in my testing not give many acceleration speed but for sure connection is more stable.
To monitor change of parameters/signals and own watchdog, I write and still do upgrade-s of my script's.
NetWatch witch a Duration counting check every 10s the host and have both Up and Down script's.
..Code: Select alldo {ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment=[/system resource get uptime] } on-error={}; /local NetWatchDuration ([/system resource get uptime] - [/ip firewall layer7-protocol get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]) /log warning ("Netwatch: UP | check | OffLine Duration was: ".$NetWatchDuration) /ip firewall layer7-protocol set [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment=[/system resource get uptime];
..Code: Select alldo {ip firewall layer7-protocol add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment=[/system resource get uptime] } on-error={}; /local NetWatchDuration ([/system resource get uptime] - [/ip firewall layer7-protocol get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]) /log warning ("Netwatch: DOWN | check | OnLine Duration was: ".$NetWatchDuration) /ip firewall layer7-protocol set [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment=[/system resource get uptime]; /system script run RestoreInternet
and of course the RestoreInternet script must have permision for Netwatch.
..Code: Select all/system script set RestoreInternet dont-require-permissions=yes
.Thank you SiB ! Not sure i understand, where is the RestoreIntenet script ? Is the script restore Carrier aggregation if it lost ? I try to make just a copy/paste on Netwatch but i keep going to loose CA...
This is script with do stg what if the best for you. For example you can do at*cell=0 or do celllock or maybe at+reset or maybe system reboot - you choose what is the best for you.Not sure i understand, where is the RestoreIntenet script ?
If this fix your internet connection then yes. I give you a concept.Is the script restore Carrier aggregation if it lost ?
r11e-lte6 is only modem who remember the cell lock settings. All other devices must be initialized every time when they up. For this ROS have got a parameter like "modem-init=" - this info is in wiki lte.try to make just a copy/paste on Netwatch but i keep going to loose CA...
Thank You again SiB, i understand it's your own watchdog with the action you choose.dad2312.Thank you SiB ! Not sure i understand, where is the RestoreIntenet script ? Is the script restore Carrier aggregation if it lost ? I try to make just a copy/paste on Netwatch but i keep going to loose CA...
You welcome.
.This is script with do stg what if the best for you. For example you can do at*cell=0 or do celllock or maybe at+reset or maybe system reboot - you choose what is the best for you.Not sure i understand, where is the RestoreIntenet script ?
You can add # and disable this one line too because if you not have got this script=exaclyName then the down-script of netwatch will fail.
.If this fix your internet connection then yes. I give you a concept.Is the script restore Carrier aggregation if it lost ?
.r11e-lte6 is only modem who remember the cell lock settings. All other devices must be initialized every time when they up. For this ROS have got a parameter like "modem-init=" - this info is in wiki lte.try to make just a copy/paste on Netwatch but i keep going to loose CA...
NetWatch is only check access to internet and in down-script the last line try run external script who can do stg with lte interface.
I don't understand why you loose your settings from CellLock - give more information - or write to support@mikrotik.com
Well, on a remote location I can get 150-250 Mbps on my phone. I was looking at Mikrotik LTE hardware but since their ethernet port can't give more than 100 mbps it's no use for me.Easy, all person who are not in city who are happy when reach 20/5Mb. For them and me a limit of 100Mb is not problem.For this specific device, DL speed is up to 300 mbps but ethernet port can handle only 100 mbit, what's the point in purchasing this device then?
I have R11e-LTE6 with 2xCA and now very good stability of internet connection via two band.
And of course antenna is directly connected to modem, without meters of "low noise" cable.
When I drive to my BTS and have best signal ~600m from BTS then I cannot reach >70Mb then you can see in my ISP and only one BTS even 600m from BTS I cannot reach 100Mb. Even in M11G with external antena I Cannot reach >70Mb then sorry but your theory is false.
I have SXT LTE 3-7, SXTR&R11e-LTE6 and wait for LHGR&R11e-LTE6.
Those device have got a purpose in not only my scenario.
i read somewhere on forums, that CA works on demand only(?)I lose CA (LTE CA2) the second band sleeps for a while
What you mean?I also note that I lost 30ms of ping compared to LHG LTE Cat4 (exactly the same configuration in the same place with the same first band)
Do you make the same observation?
One of few what I use.Thank You again SiB, i understand it's your own watchdog with the action you choose.
at R11e-LTE6 who save a celllock setting inside him the upgrade ROS reset me a CellLock setting and I must setup it again.I never lose the Celllock
I have differ situation because I use a modem fw v22celllock and MikroTik Support Team are connecting to my SXTR sometimes...but I lose CA (LTE CA2) the second band sleeps for a while and never wakes up if I don't do an action like you say "celllock or maybe at + reset or restart the system".
you never lost CA ??
This is that imported? Better is like this... when ca-band not exist for last 5 minuts then do action who repair that.may be i have to make a script every hour like at+reset to wake up CA ?
The best and fasted will be build-in function in modem firmware - this is job for MikroTik team to fix.which action is faster not to cut the internet too long ?
I share you a two script's.thank you again SiB
#Script WatchDog for script name:
local ScriptName lteLogger2
local ScriptRuningInstances [:len [system script job find script=$ScriptName]]
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances = 0) do={/system script run $ScriptName};
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances = 1) do={};
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances >= 2) do={system script job remove [find script=$ScriptName]};
:local watchItems pin-status,functionality,registration-status,current-cellid,enb-id,sector-id,phy-cellid,access-technology,primary-band,ca-band
:local watchFreq 2s
:local lteInfo
:local prevLteInfo ({})
:while (true) do={
:do {:set lteInfo [/interface lte info lte1 once as-value]} on-error={}
:foreach m in=$watchItems do={
:if (($lteInfo->$m)!=($prevLteInfo->$m)) do={
:put ($m.": ".($prevLteInfo->$m)." -> ".($lteInfo->$m))
:log info ($m.": ".($prevLteInfo->$m)." -> ".($lteInfo->$m))
:set ($prevLteInfo->$m) ($lteInfo->$m)
:delay $watchFreq
:do {:set lteInfo [/interface lte info lte1 once as-value]} on-error {}
:do {:set lteInfo [/interface lte info lte1 once as-value]} on-error={}
i read somewhere on forums, that CA works on demand only(?)I lose CA (LTE CA2) the second band sleeps for a while
This is that imported? Better is like this... when ca-band not exist for last 5 minuts then do action who repair that.may be i have to make a script every hour like at+reset to wake up CA ?
The best and fasted will be build-in function in modem firmware - this is job for MikroTik team to fix.which action is faster not to cut the internet too long ?
I share you a two script's.thank you again SiB
#Script WatchDog for script name:
local ScriptName lteLogger2
local ScriptRuningInstances [:len [system script job find script=$ScriptName]]
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances = 0) do={/system script run $ScriptName};
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances = 1) do={};
if ( $ScriptRuningInstances >= 2) do={system script job remove [find script=$ScriptName]};
:local watchItems pin-status,functionality,registration-status,current-cellid,enb-id,sector-id,phy-cellid,access-technology,primary-band,ca-band
:local watchFreq 2s
:local lteInfo
:local prevLteInfo ({})
:while (true) do={
:do {:set lteInfo [/interface lte info lte1 once as-value]} on-error {}
:foreach m in=$watchItems do={
:if (($lteInfo->$m)!=($prevLteInfo->$m)) do={
:put ($m.": ".($prevLteInfo->$m)." -> ".($lteInfo->$m))
:log info ($m.": ".($prevLteInfo->$m)." -> ".($lteInfo->$m))
:set ($prevLteInfo->$m) ($lteInfo->$m)
:delay $watchFreq
LOL. Please give me information what is spedicic modem in this Cat4. like R11e-[LTE | LTE-US | 4G ] and if you can do example from my r11e-lte6:With LHG LTE cat4 ping is 40ms with LHG LTE cat6 i have 70ms (test make several days) test with mikrotik tools to or
interface lte at-chat 0 input="at*readver"
output: *READVER:
release_version: R11e-LTE6_V022CELLLOCK
release_time: 20191125_13_49
ap_version: rls2476
interface lte at-chat 0 input="at^hver"
output: ^HVER:"Rev 0000"
I do many many many testing and on my fw:22 I see thatafter reboot or at+reset or at*cell=2.3..... or at*cell=0 i always retrieve CA but not long, some time i loose CA after 30mn or 7h, don't understand why. I loose much bandwidh like 20 or 30 Mb/s (with CA i have near 70mb/s).
interface lte at-chat 0 input="at+eemginfo\?"
log print follow-only where message~"EEMLTEINTER:|EEMLTEINTRA:"
In your place when you work like ISP... then the 2xLTE will be better with MultiWAN policy. Of course $... you can write a script who will be check ca-band and do changes on QoS policy base on PCQ.There is 30 to 40 clients who is connected (with QOS at 3mb/s down and 2 up => i have near 30mb/s on upload but CA is don't use with upload...) then loose 20 or 30Mb/s is much and clients feel it.
unfortanly even at+reset is a bit too long 1mn30s it's too much if i have to do action script every 5mn to execute at+reset
Of course, you must have computer or mobile phone and some time.Is there any way to check if CA is actually being used on the device? (i have a cat 6 version but i see no improvements over and above the previous model).
i d'ont go to Prague but in other ocasion maybedad2312LOL. Please give me information what is spedicic modem in this Cat4. like R11e-[LTE | LTE-US | 4G ] and if you can do example from my r11e-lte6:With LHG LTE cat4 ping is 40ms with LHG LTE cat6 i have 70ms (test make several days) test with mikrotik tools to or
here's LHG LTE6 KIT (cat6)
[admin@MikroTik LHG] /interface lte> at-chat 0 input="at*readver"
output: *READVER: release_version: R11e-LTE6_V020 release_time:
20190830_10_49 ap_version: rls2295
[admin@MikroTik LHG] /interface lte> at-chat 0 input="at^hver"
output: ^HVER:"Rev 0000"
here's LHG LTE KIT (cat4)
[admin@MikroTik LHG] /interface lte> at-chat 0 input="at*readver"
output: *READVER: release_version:MikroTik_R11e-LTE_V013_190917 release_time:Sep
17 2019 11:51:26 OK
[admin@MikroTik LHG] /interface lte> at-chat 0 input="at^hver"
output: ^HVER: MRVLTD01
I do many many many testing and on my fw:22 I see thatafter reboot or at+reset or at*cell=2.3..... or at*cell=0 i always retrieve CA but not long, some time i loose CA after 30mn or 7h, don't understand why. I loose much bandwidh like 20 or 30 Mb/s (with CA i have near 70mb/s).
- Reboot/ usb power-reset / at+reset -> those tree fix the ca-band - means always after one of them, the ca-band can works.
not for me, i always reach CA-BAND whatever action.
i see the same thing
But if I do:
- from 1-3 times disable&enable lte1 interface then ca-band do spoil/crash means not be assigned to current connection anymore.
- from second time or more the CellLock then ca-band do spoil/crash means not be assigned to current connection anymore.
This give summary:
- from second time or more the Disable CellLock (at*cell=0) then ca-band do spoil/crash means not be assigned to current connection anymore.
The Fast reconnect via celllock enable/disable is possible but it disable ca-band pernament from sencond use. Only first at*cell set a setting with ca-band - all next are without ca-band.
To setup CellLock or disable celllock or do re-enable lte1 I must always do additional reboot / usb power-reset / at+reset to reach ca-band again
i'm totaly agreeCa-Band can be flapping etc. but when signal are better then it's have got longer connectivity. One ISP disconnect me ca-band but it's because not generate traffic and after I add some dummy bandwith-test every 10m with limited qos then ca-band is provided constancy. This depend from your ISP policy.
You can monitor this by doing every 1s this command, with enable lte logging and specific print like:Play with them, description in google.Code: Select allinterface lte at-chat 0 input="at+eemginfo\?" log print follow-only where message~"EEMLTEINTER:|EEMLTEINTRA:"
thanks for that
.There is 30 to 40 clients who is connected (with QOS at 3mb/s down and 2 up => i have near 30mb/s on upload but CA is don't use with upload...) then loose 20 or 30Mb/s is much and clients feel it.
unfortanly even at+reset is a bit too long 1mn30s it's too much if i have to do action script every 5mn to execute at+resetokIn your place when you work like ISP... then the 2xLTE will be better with MultiWAN policy. Of course $... you can write a script who will be check ca-band and do changes on QoS policy base on PCQ.
I haven't any faster way to do re-connection then at*cell who disable ca-band but do a fast re-connection.
thank you SiBIf I have some new fresh info then I write it here.
Packet's with usBeer accepted on MUM in Prague.
Just connect to only one BAND=xHello guys, is there any way to disable the Carrier Aggregation on the LTE6 modem?
Only you say about this at this forum. At other channel like IRC/FB no one say about difference.have you noticed with your LHG LTE6 a loss of Ping speed compared to LTE 4?
I just buy it in Friday and wait for delivery LHGR+R11e-LTE6 and RBM11G and pigtails m50 antenna etc..i ask again because it seems you d'ont have receive yet your LHG LTE6 when i ask first time..
.please provide workig script example bonding, dhcp,nat for SXTR. Thanks
I understand that you do a Bandwitch test between MT<>MT to receive/transit/both the 197Mbps.all work perfect now 197Mbps is max ethernet speed
First person who hit >100Mbps. THANK YOU. I must do again my tests with other BTS and ISP who can have @20+@15Mhz at B3/B1/B7.but my isp provider do 150 Mbps, still better than 97Mbps, thanks again!!
.interface lte at-chat 0 input="at*readver"
output: *READVER:
release_version: R11e-LTE6_V022CELLLOCK
release_time: 20191125_13_49
ap_version: rls2476
.interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT*READVER"
output: *READVER:
release_version: R11e-LTE6_V020
release_time: 20190830_10_49
ap_version: rls2295
release_version: R11e-LTE6_V022CELLLOCK
release_time: 20191125_13_49
ap_version: rls2476
Support only. And then when you have some problem with LTE.Is "R11e-LTE6_V022CELLLOCK" stock firmware or do you need to contact support to get it?
Only support.
- what's a difference?
- where can we get it?
i'm interest by this config, i have sxt lte + hap ac lite, i make bonding on eth 1 eth 2 on both side. Internet is very instable (i reach it and i loose it) don't know why.Bonding question
I have SXTR LTE on roof, and Rb750gr3 in house, want to go over 100mbps between them with 2 interfaces.
I make bonding eth1 and eth2 on no default configuration,on both routers, assign ip adress on bonding interface SXTR and Rb750gr3
All ok, ping work, Rb750gr3 see SXTR LTE,
but on winbox cant see SXTR LTE and reach that router for further configuration?? Must again go to roof and reset SXTR LTE configuration, please provide workig script example bonding, dhcp,nat for SXTR. Thanks
R11e-LTE6 use fast bands like B1/3/7 and beetween them only B3+B7 can do 2CA.I have an R11e-LTE6, using Vodafone which I have tested broadcasts on band 1, 7 and 20 however
# up
:local uptime [/system resource get uptime]
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
:if ([:len [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince]] = 0) do={add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment="$uptime"}
:local NetWatchDuration ($uptime - [:totime [get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]])
:log warning "Netwatch: UP | check | OffLine Duration was: $NetWatchDuration"
set [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment="$uptime"
# down
:local uptime [/system resource get uptime]
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
:if ([:len [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince]] = 0) do={add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment="$uptime"}
:local NetWatchDuration ($uptime - [:totime [get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]])
:log warning "Netwatch: DOWN | check | OnLine Duration was: $NetWatchDuration"
set [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment="$uptime"
/system script
run RestoreInternet
# script
/system script
set RestoreInternet dont-require-permissions=yes
Thank you. I fix problem with -time after reboot as first DOWN report."NetWatch Duration counting" rewrited on more friendly way:
/import SimpleInternetDetection.rsc
::local uptime [/system resource get uptime]
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
:if ([:len [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince]] = 0) do={add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment="$uptime"}
:local NetWatchDuration ($uptime - [:totime [get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]])
:log warning "Internet: UP | offline duration was: $NetWatchDuration"
set [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment="$uptime"
:local uptime [/system resource get uptime]
/ip firewall layer7-protocol
:if ([:len [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince]] = 0) do={add name=NetWatchTimeSince comment="$uptime"}
:local NetWatchDuration ($uptime - [:totime [get [find name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment]])
:local LTEuptime ([/interface lte info lte1 once as-value ]->"session-uptime")
:if ($NetWatchDuration >0) do={:log warning ("Internet: DOWN | online duration was: $NetWatchDuration | LTE uptime: ".$LTEuptime)} else={:log warning "Internet: DOWN"}
set [find where name=NetWatchTimeSince] comment="$uptime"