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Flight Simulator Steam Edition (FSX) port forwarding

Thu May 07, 2020 7:07 pm

So i recently got fibre and they provided me with a Mikrotik hap ac2 router.

I decided to start using it cause my previous router had an issue with one of the lan ports.

According to FSX and steam the ports i needed to forward was 27016 and 6112 on both tcp and udp.

See attachment 1 for the rules.

I used Nmap to see if the ports where open on these setting and it returned with "tcp filtered dtspc".

I don't have a static ip and went through all the In. Interfaces and bridge was the only one that showed the port as partially open, I have a ppp option (saw on one of the many tutorials that's what i need to select but it does not work). If i use my current public IP address in Dst. Address it provides the same results.

My internal IP is and i have my firewall set to allow both those ports although i have tested is as well with my firewall off and it gives the same results.

My issues seems to be that the port isn't completely open, also when i have the forwards open i cant see any other servers on FSX. I also have two roommates so if i understand correctly this will also forward their traffic on those ports to my PC. Please correct me if I am wrong. If i use the steam service where you can add favorites services it shows my server but my friends still seem to struggle to connect to it.

Both housemates and i are directly connected to the router and the friends i am trying to host for is externally. I am not sure if I am missing something obvious also i use to be able to forward ports on my ASUS router with no issues.

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.

Kind Regards
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Re: Flight Simulator Steam Edition (FSX) port forwarding

Fri May 08, 2020 6:26 pm

No worries,
Would update in general to the latest stable OS.

Will need to see your config on the hapac2
/export hide-sensitive file=anynameyouwish

Also, a network diagram so we have a clear appreciation of where the hapac2 is in the network.
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Re: Flight Simulator Steam Edition (FSX) port forwarding

Tue May 12, 2020 4:02 pm

at first glance, your dst-nat rules, should have your WAN interface as their " in-interface", which is traffic coming from the Internet.

you have set "in-interface" to be your bridge, this is the reason
this will also forward their traffic on those ports to my PC

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