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LoRa packet traces - CRC errors logged/sent

Fri May 08, 2020 8:03 am

Hey team,

Can I query why the Lora config is to:
1. Send packets including CRC errors to the server (by default)?
2. Log packets with CRC errors. Filtering is available on the phone app, but not that I can see on WebFig?

LoRa is designed to receive things below the noise floor, so what practically happens is a lot of junk packets arrive e.g. parsable noise but that have failed CRCs. These fill up the log, and presumably get dropped by servers after consuming backhaul bandwidth (again, by default).

I can see it might be interesting, sometimes, to see packets with CRC errors. I don't think that's normal or worth logging though.

Should I file a feature request to get this changed? I am otherwise very happy with the logging functionality :-)
