There's PTMP setup in noisy country environment, up to 33 CPE per sector. There was nstreme with 6.40.9 +\- ROS versions. We had to update cause of security matters to the latest (before yesterday) 6.45.8 longterm. Nstreme CPE begin to drop where there's SNR lower than 40. Switched to NV2, and it's very stable link, but speed is too low. Using OnlyN at 20\40, tried to figure out what's the best MCS to leave in use - not much luck, just see if disable lower ones then CCQ rises. In night tests the worst CPE shows 15\5 mbps with ratio 70 of fixed downlink, but in rush hours there's problems with these CPE, even disconnects.
Not so much info on how datarates correlate with MCS, I'm probably doing wrong in there.
Please share your thoughts and configs.
Current config of one sector, 21 CPE, range 1-3 km (RBDisc-5nD, RBDiscG-5acD, RB SXT 5nD r2, RBSXT5HacD2nr2)
Code: Select all
/interface wireless
set [ find default-name=wlan1 ] adaptive-noise-immunity=ap-and-client-mode \
ampdu-priorities="" band=5ghz-onlyn basic-rates-a/g=18Mbps channel-width=\
20/40mhz-Ce country=no_country_set default-forwarding=no disabled=no \
frequency=5520 frequency-mode=superchannel guard-interval=long hide-ssid=\
yes ht-basic-mcs=mcs-3,mcs-4,mcs-5,mcs-6,mcs-7 ht-supported-mcs=\
mcs-3,mcs-4,mcs-5,mcs-6,mcs-7,mcs-8,mcs-9,mcs-10,mcs-11 hw-retries=3 \
keepalive-frames=disabled max-station-count=40 mode=ap-bridge \
multicast-helper=disabled nv2-cell-radius=10 nv2-downlink-ratio=65 \
nv2-preshared-key=password nv2-security=enabled preamble-mode=long \
radio-name=SECTOR3 rate-set=configured scan-list=4920-6100 ssid=SEC3 \
supported-rates-a/g=18Mbps,24Mbps,36Mbps,48Mbps,54Mbps tdma-period-size=\
auto vht-basic-mcs="" vht-supported-mcs="" wireless-protocol=nv2 wps-mode=\
/interface wireless nstreme
set wlan1 framer-policy=best-fit