Hi Gents,
I am thinking if there are some chances of creating option similar to CAPsMAN which can propagate specific configurations via profiles to MT routers/switches in the network on its initial boot.
My idea is that if this can be done its possible to have central configuration with files for each managed router or switch in the network who can download it via L2/L3 propagated address.
When this option is activated the device can try to look for the "server" (could have primary, secondary and tertiary which are sync in real time) and download the configuration specific for its identity.
Once loaded the device may apply it and start functioning until next reboot.
Of course one of the master routers or switches with enough resources have to act as a server and provide the set of rcs files to devices set in remote configuration mode - RCM.
The main point is that this may help using MT in Enterprise and MAN scale - its very convenient for CPE's and deploying on large scale areas.
If implemented similar to CAPsMAN there can be used certificates and other options for providing security and identity confirmation.