Just read what I wrote: you have to configure it to allow access (also) from WAN (Internet). Consult the product documentation.It is RB 3011 UiAS-RM.
In LAN, it’s accessible. But from Internet, it’s not. I have no idea, seems no route from public ip to router ip.
Once the public ip link with pppoe ip, I think my router can be accessible from internet with VPN. Would need your advice.
looks like you don't have a public IP, the one you are using, is shared between a number of users on your ISP's network. so when a VPN connection from the Internet reaches, it reaches your ISP's router, which will not forward the traffic to your router and will reject the request or just drop it.Once pppoe established, interface <pppoe-out1> has local address: and remote address:
The dynamic public ip:
Yeah that could indeed be the case here.Greetings to Mikrotik user from Ho Chi Minh City!
looks like you don't have a public IP, the one you are using, is shared between a number of users on your ISP's network. so when a VPN connection from the Internet reaches, it reaches your ISP's router, which will not forward the traffic to your router and will reject the request or just drop it.Once pppoe established, interface <pppoe-out1> has local address: and remote address:
The dynamic public ip:
of course you can request ( and most likely to have to pay for) an public IP from your ISP, then it will be assigned to your pppoe connection.
.RFC6598 defines as prefix for Shared Address Space. If you get an address from this prefix you are very likely behind a provider based NAT. Same is true for addresses from RFC1918 prefixes (,, Providers may also use public address for shared addressing.
You can test if you are behind a NAT by using websites like this
http://ip.bieringer.de/cgn-test.html (click the button "Test supported protocols" and then see what's in the Status field)
Code: Select all$ ipcalc Address: 01100100.01 000000.00000000.00000000 Netmask: = 10 11111111.11 000000.00000000.00000000 Wildcard: 00000000.00 111111.11111111.11111111 => Network: 01100100.01 000000.00000000.00000000 HostMin: 01100100.01 000000.00000000.00000001 HostMax: 01100100.01 111111.11111111.11111110 Broadcast: 01100100.01 111111.11111111.11111111 Hosts/Net: 4194302 Class A
You are welcome. Glad to see it's solved now.How would I say thanks to all of you mutluit and solar77 for your kind support.
I already called ISP to set public ip the same with wan ip/pppoe ip. Now, webfig/router is accessible with public ip via internet.
P/s: seems unable to select multiple posts for SOLVED marks
Is your device already operational? Do you have access to WAN/Internet?Sorry guys for interruption. But where I can set WAN parameters in order to connect to wAP LTE device from remote ?
It is still unclear what exactly you want: do you want to access your whole LAN from Internet?I have no idea mutluit. Please, could you be so kind and do me a favour in choosing a secure method?
I have no idea where I should apply port forwarding and which one port I shall use.
Sorry for inconvenience.
Please, assist me:)..
Please read my previous suggestion, in this very post!
before we get into the practical method of accessing the router, either by VPN or port-forwarding, do you have a public accessible IP address? It does not seems to be the case by the look of it.
from your post:, belongs to ISP:Bite Lietuva which is an wireless ISP.
please first speak to your ISP and establish this IP address is assigned to you, before continue.
Code: Select all$ nslookup name = IN-84-15-182-234.bitemobile.lt. $ nslookup ae850bba6de8.sn.mynetname.net Name: ae850bba6de8.sn.mynetname.net Address:
No, "use-local-address" means to assign the local IP instead of the public IP to the DDNS record, ie. in DNS.indeed, the screen capture shows he is behind NAT and the last line gives the answer: "remote connection may not work"
looks like he's got an private IP from the ISP, normal for mobile network.
Yes, it depends whether he already gets from his ISP a public IP for himself only, or whether that public IP is a shared public IP.good to know. but in this case, even he assign local IP to DDNS record, he still won't be able to access his wAP LTE remotely (from the internet)
the simple way to get this to work, is that you need to buy a public IP from the ISP
/ip firewall nat add chain=dstnat dst-address=static_public_ip dst-port=xx protocol=tcp action=dst-nat to-addresses=private_IP_of_Base_Station
What I suppose to do if I get a private IP to my SIM, means Mikrotik and public IP address which is shared?:(this command is to be used in Terminal . can be accessed either via winbox, or webfig
yes you need a static IP but essentially you need an public IP that is assigned to the Mikrotik router, meaning this IP belongs to you, even temporarily.
what will direct access to your Mikrotik router:
static public IP
dynamic public IP but assigned to your Mikrotik router and not blocked by your ISP
what will not work:
your Mikrotik only get a private IP and you are behind one public IP address which is shared between a number of client
then you set up the whole VPN topology, basically the Mikrotik LTE start the VPN as a client, then you can access the client from the VPN server side.What I suppose to do if I get a private IP to my SIM, means Mikrotik and public IP address which is shared?:(