Is it a standard gaming port, or a common port for something else??
What you can do is
a. change your incoming port for example
action=dst-nat chain=dstnat in-interface-list=WAN protocol=tcp dst-port=56432 to-addresses=IPgameserver to-ports=11451 (or whatever the port needs to be on teh game server itself).
That way you make the port non-standard to gain entry.
Further what would really help is creating a source address list for all your friends.
If they have static IPs that is best or if they have dnydns names that resolve to their wanip
/ip firewall address list
add address=fixedwanip list=gamingfriends
add address=fixedwanip list=gamingfriends
add address=dyndnsname list=gaming friends.
action=dst-nat chain=dstnat in-interface-list=WAN src-address-list=gamingfriends protocol=tcp dst-port=56432 to-addresses=IPgameserver to-ports=11451 (or whatever the port needs to be on teh game server itself).
Finally I would put the game server on its own vlan with only internet access allowed.
You can post your config if desired
/export hide-sensitive file=anynameyouwish
Thanks for the advise. The server is a non-standard port recommended by in order to make people connect through a socket. So, I understand that the server a client must match and I'm not sure if by doing as you recommend
action=dst-nat chain=dstnat in-interface-list=WAN protocol=tcp dst-port=56432 to-addresses=IPgameserver to-ports=11451 (or whatever the port needs to be on the game server itself).
will make a difference for the attackers.
The server is opened for for the world but focusing mostly in various neighboring countries (for the topic of latency), so it is complex to determine who is going to be connecting.
What I tried to do is to send devices connecting to 11451 to a blacklist but those who are not from coming from ports 80,443,11451 in order to isolate the real gamers from the attackers (because clients should connect by 11451 only or any other given one), but I noted that which is the status page for the servers, had my "uptime" getting down.
I think the webpage uses an API for measuring the responses in order to make a % ratio but due to the isolation of incoming ports, it is hard to determine which ones are being used by the API and thus, the false positive counting.
In the case of VLAN, I don't know if it is possible because I'm using a Pi and that Pi is serving DNS, so both have the same IP address.
Any other ideas?