- 3 x hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT, one behind each TV
- RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN placed in the new network center spot and covering wireless zones 2 and 3
- RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) behind TV3 to provide wired connection to the 3 consumers (TV3, game console and a laptop)
- hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT OR cAP ac RBcAPGi-5acD2nD + RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) behind TV1
- RB4011iGS+RM
- 3 x RBcAPGi-5acD2nD cAP ac behind each TV
- plus one RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) to provide wired connection to the 3 consumers (TV3, game console and a laptop)
Now the questions I have:
- Is any of those options a bad combination of devices? Like too many AC's for the area?
- Connecting a TV or PC to the second eth port of a cAP ac will drastically impact performance?
- Is the combination of cAP ac + RB260GS equivalent to hAP ac performance wise?