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Please advise on home network upgrade

Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:21 am

Current network setup is as shown in the picture. AC's are red because they do not work (almost constant restart). ISP contract says 1G connection (FTTH), but I don't really know how to validate that.
current network diagram.png
Home layout with concrete walls is (total length 14.1m):
current network layout.png
Main idea is to get very good wireless coverage and move the big devices out of sight, getting a better network setup is the nice side effect. So this is the target layout:
new network layout.png
First option:
  • 3 x hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT, one behind each TV
Second option:
  • RB4011iGS+5HacQ2HnD-IN placed in the new network center spot and covering wireless zones 2 and 3
  • RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) behind TV3 to provide wired connection to the 3 consumers (TV3, game console and a laptop)
  • hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT OR cAP ac RBcAPGi-5acD2nD + RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) behind TV1
Third option:
  • RB4011iGS+RM
  • 3 x RBcAPGi-5acD2nD cAP ac behind each TV
  • plus one RB260GS (CSS106-5G-1S) to provide wired connection to the 3 consumers (TV3, game console and a laptop)
Going with a RB4011iGS+RM and 3 x hAP ac RB962UiGS-5HacT2HnT feels too pricey.
Now the questions I have:
  • Is any of those options a bad combination of devices? Like too many AC's for the area?
  • Connecting a TV or PC to the second eth port of a cAP ac will drastically impact performance?
  • Is the combination of cAP ac + RB260GS equivalent to hAP ac performance wise?
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Re: Please advise on home network upgrade

Tue Jun 02, 2020 10:16 pm

if i were you, i'll go with option 3 with slightly modification: using rb4011gs+rm (plain one without wifi) and 3 hap ac² behind the tv configured as access point only. it has 4 lan ports, so enough for all devices in the that location. if you still need more lan port, a $20 tplink or d-link unmanaged 5 port gigabit switch can be added.
make sure use capsman to control all those access points, and lower the transmit power of each access points so it won't kill each other.
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Re: Please advise on home network upgrade

Wed Jun 03, 2020 3:12 am

Yes, I like the alexanwar's suggestion.

Now, about your questions:

1) You would be hard pressed to deploy this many APs with 160Mhz channels and without channel overlapping. But, since there is one in each room, You can (should) lower its transmitting power to adequate levels. Better for You, better for your neighbors.
2) If you keep both ports bridged, it won't. Yes, You will share the gigabit ethernet speed with whatever is connected on the AP - but is the same as using a switch.
3) Yes, same speed.
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Re: Please advise on home network upgrade

Wed Jun 03, 2020 8:36 am

hap ac² feels indeed like a good option so I'll take your advice :) , only thing with it is that it's out of stock now, I'll just have to wait :(

Thank you

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