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Clients behind 2nd Mikrotik

Sat Jun 27, 2020 3:28 am

My new setup is made of 1x LTE modem connected to HAP AC, from HAP AC cables to 3 HAP AC lite.
DHCP is running on HAP AC while HAP AC Lites serve as access points for clients, no separate VLANa, DHCP configured for single subnet.

If I'm connected to HAP AC is there a way to check which client is connected through each of the 3 HAP AC lite devices or I have to connect to each HAP AC Lite and check?
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Re: Clients behind 2nd Mikrotik

Sat Jun 27, 2020 3:59 am

My new setup is made of 1x LTE modem connected to HAP AC, from HAP AC cables to 3 HAP AC lite.
DHCP is running on HAP AC while HAP AC Lites serve as access points for clients, no separate VLANa, DHCP configured for single subnet.

If I'm connected to HAP AC is there a way to check which client is connected through each of the 3 HAP AC lite devices or I have to connect to each HAP AC Lite and check?
You can set up the hAP ac as a CAPsMAN and the lites as CAP devices, then you will see a single shared registration table on the hAP ac under CAPsMAN.
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Re: Clients behind 2nd Mikrotik

Sat Jun 27, 2020 9:11 am

DUDE will also collect all the registration tables, and show it under DUDE/RouterOS info/Wireless registrations

The bridge/hosts table in the hAP AC will show the "On Interface" information, = which hAP ac Lite
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Re: Clients behind 2nd Mikrotik

Mon Jun 29, 2020 6:23 pm

My new setup is made of 1x LTE modem connected to HAP AC, from HAP AC cables to 3 HAP AC lite.
DHCP is running on HAP AC while HAP AC Lites serve as access points for clients, no separate VLANa, DHCP configured for single subnet.

If I'm connected to HAP AC is there a way to check which client is connected through each of the 3 HAP AC lite devices or I have to connect to each HAP AC Lite and check?
You can set up the hAP ac as a CAPsMAN and the lites as CAP devices, then you will see a single shared registration table on the hAP ac under CAPsMAN.
Will look into it in couple of months since everything is working normally now and clients are using internet over current setup, thanks :)
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Re: Clients behind 2nd Mikrotik

Mon Jun 29, 2020 11:57 pm

One more question, on each HAP AC lite, running /interface wireless registration-table print gives output as below:

[user@HAP_AC_LITE] > /interface wireless registration-table print
0 wlan2 12:AC:D5:BE:55:21 no -49dBm@6Mbps 433.... 9h21m38s

if I call same command through ssh from main HAP AC
[admin@HAP_AC] > system ssh port=xxxx user=1234 "/interface wireless registration-table print"
0 wlan2 12:AC:D5:BE:55:21 no -49dBm@6Mbps 433....

and UPTIME column is missing, any idea why?