I've decided I need to do something about my WiFi as it's getting frustrating. I'm in the UK and have a 80/20 VDSL connection which is very reliable up to and including the modem.
Beyond that I've tried lots of different options but haven't found anything reliable yet. I'm in a 4 bed brick built semi and with the ISP supplied router I get good coverage, moderate speeds but frequent dropouts. I've also tried a Asus AC56U but coverage is not as good. I've also tried using 3 Tenda Nova MW6 mesh access points which work ok but sometimes randomly slow right down to 5Mbps even on a wired connection and need restarting. For now I'm just using an old BT hub 5 flashed with OpenWRT on its own which seems to be the best balance of speed, coverage and reliability.
However I am still not happy with it so would like to change to something better. I've been looking at the HAP AC2 which seems like a good starting point as a direct replacement for my existing router which would give me the option to add additional APs in the future if required - my house isn't wired for Ethernet so I can't easily add APs so would like a one box solution if at all possible.
Is the AC2 a good option in 2020 for a standard home setup? I've also considered starting with just adding an AP to the existing router instead, either the CAP AC or unifi AC-Pro.
I've read a lot on here about the AC2 and it seems that the wireless performance is ok, but still not sure how it would compare to ISP supplied kit, or the Unifi AC-Pro so would appreciate any advice.
Thanks in advance.