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Ipsec messages

Wed Jul 11, 2007 12:06 am


I've a MT as IPSEC VPN Server and CPEs are 3Com 3CR858, when tunnel is established the log shows a lot of ipsec warning messages:
17:50:50 ipsec,warning decrypted packed did not match policy
17:50:51 ipsec,warning decrypted packed did not match policy (2 events)
And after 10 minutes the tunnel becomes disconnected

MT IPSEC Configuration:

/ ip ipsec proposal
add name="sha" auth-algorithms=sha1 enc-algorithms=3des lifetime=30m lifebytes=0 pfs-group=modp768 disabled=no
/ ip ipsec policy
add src-address= dst-address= protocol=all action=encrypt level=require ipsec-protocols=esp tunnel=yes \ sa-dst-address=190.11.xx.51 proposal=sha manual-sa=none dont-fragment=clear disabled=no
/ ip ipsec peer
add address=190.11.xx.51/32:500 secret="mysecret" generate-policy=no exchange-mode=aggressive send-initial-contact=no proposal-check=obey \
hash-algorithm=sha1 enc-algorithm=des dh-group=modp768 lifetime=1d lifebytes=0 disabled=no

Any help please

Thanks in advance,