I had changed the interface to Intel Pro1000. Now even while we get an attack, cpu is less then %50. But still router can't access the Internet.
While we are getting 30mbit / 50K syn packets, I can access the MT, I can access servers connected to MT, but MT can't access its default gateway (TTNET). Our link to TTNET is 100Mbit.
Network Diagram :
TTNET -Fibre- Summit48s -Copper- MT -Copper- Cisco 3560 Switch
TTNET is Turkish Telecom
Fibre is connected to Port49 on Summit48s, and it is bridge with Port2 to MT (I guess Layer2). There is no IP on Summit48s, TTNET can access Summit48s somehow.
I called TTNET to look out Summit48s they see the same traffic as I see on MT. They said there is no problem on Summit48s so I guess the Problem is on MT. I asked TTNET to block dest ip from their black diamond and after syn floods stop and MT can access to internet.
Any idea what to do? Why MT cant access to Internet.
Connection Tracking is disabled.
You can find the SS of MT before and after syn flood.
eth6 is Intel PRO1000 Server interface connected to Summit48S
eth1-4 is 4 Port PCI interface where I bought from MT guys. eth1 connected to local Cisco switch. eth2 is where I and Office computers connected.
eth5 is on board gb interface where there is a small amount of servers connected.
While getting syn flood
After TTNET block dest IP