Thu Jun 07, 2018 9:53 pm
hi, I thought I confirm this in my opening post, but yes, ping power cycle does not work also ( seems to be any kind of automatic power cycling outside of manually by the user, switching from POE off to POE auto, does NOT work).
A temporary, rough, work around, that I have been using is a script i wrote that issues the two poe= commands , just as a manual user would, this does of course work.)
I am currently on my phone but will post the script later today when back at PC . ( it’s nothing fancy just a if/then ping check)
EDIT - here is my script (power cycles a poe splitter which powers this location's ISP modem), in first line i set the IP to ping/test (i use my ISPs GW, ie the 1st hop out on a traceroute, i changed this to x.x.x.x , also the email script i call at the end, that line can be removed, its just a 2nd script that emails me a mt LOG file, so i can look back and see history of these power cycles).
also i use netwatch, both UP/DOWN, to call this script (or you could use scheduler if u want). my Idea was if 1 ping happens to drop (as detected by netwatch), i may not necessarily need my biz modem power cycled (so the script checks for several pings lost, before power cycleing, or NOT power cycleing)
:local ipPing ("x.x.x.x")
:local pingip
# pingip below RUNS and sets the variable
# to number of successful pings ie 3 means 3 of 45 success
# can also use ($pingip > 1) or ($pingip >= 1) both TESTED
# ($pingip >= 1) means if only 1 or 0 pings do the IF, not the ELSE
:log info ("ping CHECK script IS RUNNING NOW")
# first delay 90 b4 ping test incase this is running at POWER UP
:delay 90
:set pingip [/ping $ipPing count=45]
:if ($pingip <= 3) do={
:log warning (">95% lost ping LOSS to isp GW IP x.x.x.x via ether5 so DO POE powerCYCLE")
/interface ethernet poe set ether5 poe-out=off
:delay 12
/interface ethernet poe set ether5 poe-out=auto-on
:delay 10
:log warning ("ether5 POE HAS BEEN TURNED BACK ON")
:delay 90
/system script run emailPOEresult
} else={
:log warning ("PoeCyclePINGcheck ELSE ran so no ping loss detected by script")