I get an rb133-client for testing purposes. It should work as an wirless bridge, but no packets are bridged. Wlan is connected to the ap (station-mode, 5GHz), the bridge on rb133 ist set but it doesn't work, then I did some research and found that in the manual:
Does that mean that a mt-client requires a mt-accesspoint if it should act as a bridge? In station-wds mode the rb133 doesn't even connect to a Lancom ap (lancom supports wds).The IEEE 802.11 standard limitation makes it impossible for wireless cards in station mode to work as expected when bridged. That means that if you need to create a bridge, you should not use station mode on that machine. In case you need a bridge on a wireless station, use station-wds mode (may only be used in the AP supports WDS). Bridging on the AP side works fine.
The Problem ist that we use about 120 Lancom ap's in our environment...
Exists a workaround for that?
regards chris