I add many information about EP06-E/A module. This will be still edited post, monitor it.
**** Flashing module ****
If you buy it and see the 05c6:9008 QDloader 9008 this means your module is ready to flashing and you must do a flashing to start normal work. Your seller give you not productive out-of-box product.
You need
latest fw: EP06ELAR04A03M4G or EP06ALAR02A08M4G and QFlash software, your distributor should provide you it.
You need hardware: USB WWAN adapter and Windows PC.
In Device Manager, under "Ports (COM & LPT)", look for "Quectel USB DM Port" and use that COM port in QFlash
When your module works normal then you can update firmware with USB DM Port but if you must use manual QDL mode then read this.
To enter the QDL mode you must before power up module (e.g. before connect usb wwan adapter to PC), connect the USB BOOT pad with VREF_1.8V pad or top 11 pin like this photo:
and with that connecting you can plug-in power-up and wait to new QDL COM.
Flashing how-to:
- if QFlash fail with time out! etc. then plug out wwan adapter. enter the QDL mode again with both pins/contact connected. Means, always programmings was at new entering qdl mode.
- before run QFlash, delete two newest files in qflash dir, Params_Main and MainConfig - after delete them he run just QFlash like first time. QFlash not know any old files to upload thanks to that !.
- Right mouse button > Run as Administrator (do it even if you are at admin account !!)
- select the qdl COM port and speed 921600, if not work then slower 115200 (this work always)
- just in LoadFWFiles button, select any ONE file from firmware-dir\v6or8\firehouse\SelectAnyOneFile and Open button
- you see that list of files loaded automatically
- Start button and Good Luck !!! if not then QDL and again.
If the Flashing end's with PASS but after re-connect to USB you see the Flashing/Flapping COM ports ... this means your module not work properly and you can only send it to warranty or return it or buy another.
When you have module who works stable as 2c7c:0306 then you can go to next steps. When you buy from AliE then please write to seller to he flash module with latest version and test it in MBIM mode with windows machine before shiping to you.
Power off device.
Plug in SIM card. Remember that e.g. LHGR is tricky with sim slot and you should use transparent tape and do a "tail" to easy plug-out sim in future.
Remember that u.FL Main/Aux are opposite then MikroTik modules, check that before you connect a pigtail!
Example of R11e-LTE6 and EP06-E/A :
https://www.quectel.com/UploadImage/Dow ... n_V1.2.pdf
Power on device.
Tip: Remember that in ROS at-chat feature you must use \ char before ? and " .
Always read AT documentation:
https://www.quectel.com/UploadImage/Dow ... l_V1.0.pdf
**** FIRST SETUP ****
Set Connection Modes
AT+QCFG="usbnet" <- Query current mode
AT+QCFG="usbnet",0 <- QMI/PPP/Default - usbX device with ppp-outX - IgnoreDirectIP=yes
AT+QCFG="usbnet",1 <- ECM - works at ROSv6 as lte1 interface as module NAT addressation 192.168.225.x with gateway and your PublicIP is not DMZ into ROS. Pings works but traceroute show you only first hop alive and all other will be as timeout. - IgnoreDirectIP=no
AT+QCFG="usbnet",2 <- MBIM - works at ROSv7beta5 and Windows. IP from ISP will be at lte1 interface directly - mode=auto
Firmware from EP06ELAR03A08M4G (rev.3.08) works in SXTR/LHGR (USB2.0 mPCIe bus) without tape/isolation USB3.0 pins. This fw have a new feature to disable USB3.0 by
AT+QUSBCFG="SS" <- query USB3.0 function
AT+QUSBCFG="SS",1 <- Enable the USB3.0 function
AT+QUSBCFG="SS",0 <- Disable the USB3.0 function (This help us in RB with USB2.0 bus)
Factory reset
Change scan mode
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",0,1 <- Scan all modes
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",1,1 <- GSM only
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",2,1 <- WCDMA-UMTS-HSPA only
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",3,1 <- 4G-LTE only
# Settings the Band-s #
AT+QCFG="Band" <- Current band(s) config
Table of numbers of Bands in Quectel company:
Band_value in Hexadecymal - Band you want to use.
1 - LTE B1 - EP06-E
2 - LTE B2 - EP06-A
4 - LTE B3 - EP06-E
8 - LTE B4 - EP06-A
10 - LTE B5 - EP06-E/A
40 - LTE B7 - EP06-E/A
80 - LTE B8 - EP06-E
800 - LTE B12 - EP06-A
1000 - LTE B13 - EP06-A
80000 - LTE B20 - EP06-E
1000000 - LTE B25 - EP06-A
2000000 - LTE B26 - EP06-A
8000000 - LTE B28 - EP06-E
10000000 - LTE B29 - EP06-A (ONLY IN CA as scc, receiving only)
20000000 - LTE B30 - EP06-A
8000 0000 - LTE B32 - EP06-E (ONLY IN CA as scc, receiving only)
20000000000000000 - LTE B66 - EP06-A
When you select the properly two bands then you must use Windows Calc in Programmer mode, select HEX and just add that bands what you want.
Example for EMEA\Poland:
B3+B7 = 4hex + 40hex = 44 <- AT+QCFG="band",0,44,1
B3+B20 = 4 + 80000 = 80004 <- AT+QCFG="band",0,80004,1
B1+B20 = 1 + 80000 = 80001 <- AT+QCFG="band",0,80001,1
B7+B20 = 40 + 80000 = 80040 <- AT+QCFG="band",0,80040,1
EP06-A all options:
EP06A__BND-B-66-ALL interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,2000000003300185a,1"
EP06A__BND-B-66-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,20000000010001810,1"
EP06A__BND-B-66 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,20000000000000000,1"
EP06A__BND-B-30-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,30000810,1"
EP06A__BND-B-30 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,20000000,1"
EP06A__BND-B-26 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,2000000,1"
EP06A__BND-B-25-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,3000810,1"
EP06A__BND-B-25 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,1000000,1"
EP06A__BND-B-13 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,1000,1"
EP06A__BND-B-12 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,800,1"
EP06A__BND-B-07-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,2000850,1"
EP06A__BND-B-07 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,40,1"
EP06A__BND-B-05 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,10,1"
EP06A__BND-B-04-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,10001818,1"
EP06A__BND-B-04 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,8,1"
EP06A__BND-B-02-CA interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,10001812,1"
EP06A__BND-B-02 interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCFG=\"Band\",0,2,1"
**** Other usefull commands ****
Modem Status
AT+CSQ < Check signal strength, you see 99,99 then CONNECT ANTENNA, because this is NO SIGNAL !.
AT+QNWINFO < Current band in use, ROSv6 do that every 3s to grab signal parameters to Cellular tab of lte1 interface.
[admin@MikroTik] > interface lte at-chat lte1 input="AT+QCAINFO"
output: +QCAINFO: "pcc",1474,75,"LTE BAND 3",1,56,-86,-9,-59,14
+QCAINFO: "scc",3350,100,"LTE BAND 7",1,418,-105,-11,-83,1
RED 1 means: <scell_state> Secondary cell state: 1 Configured deactivated and the result of QCAINFO can be empty too. To run 2CA you must run bandwitch-test or generate any traffic at lte1 and that time do new query of QCAINFO to see the new state: "2 Configured activated".
AT+QENG="neighbourcell" <- Show intra and inter cell to do Freq/Cell Lock. Similar to cell-monitor but works with current Tower only.
# Freq/Cell Lock #
Firmware Rev3.xx:
AT+qnwlock="common/lte" <- Show Current Freq/Cell Lock
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",3,1 <- 4G-LTE only - must be set first.
AT+QNWLOCK="common/lte",1,1749,0 <- Freq Lock at specific EARFCN
AT+QNWLOCK="common/lte",2,1749,226 <- Cell Lock at specific EARFCN and PSC (Phy-CellID)
AT+QNWLOCK="common/lte",0 <- Disable Cell/Freq Lock
AT+CFUN=1,1 <- soft reset to aplly settings.
Firmware Rev4.xx:
Other command, no more FreqLock, we can do many CellLock but this with best signal is used.
AT+qnwlock="common/4g" <- Show Current Freq/Cell Lock
AT+QCFG="nwscanmode",3,1 <- 4G-LTE only - must be set first.
AT+QNWLOCK="common/4g",1,1749,226 <- Cell Lock at specific EARFCN and PSC (Phy-CellID)
AT+QNWLOCK="common/4g",2,1749,226,1749,227 <- 2x Cell Lock and signal uses with will be connected
AT+QNWLOCK="common/4g",0 <- Disable Cell/Freq Lock
I hope this will be helpful for you.
Write me info if you think this post should be updated !
Good Luck !