Hi folks, I am asking for the most efficient (read easiest for me to config, for those without an MTUNA accreditation that means no scripts, and least number of lines or characters LOL) way to add a single device on my network that only uses the second Failover ISP.
The issue is that to change an Email password, one has to be on the domain of the ISP, and since its the backup ISP that simply isnt the case. Yes email traffic from the second ISP still exists (being our original and old provider)
I cannot always go to the router and change distance (and flip between ISPs) because I have users on the PCs 24/7, (no I am not running a strip cam site LOL) and therefore I need to be able to hook up a laptop to a managed switch and be connected to the second ISP.
What I am capable of doing is assigning a vlan for this singular purpose, but looking for the best way to ensure this vlan bypasses the primary routing to the primary ISP.
Bonus and maybe even kisses/smoochies...........don't get excited SOB, I mean the chocolate variety, if this can be done without a single MANGLE!!!