Mon Aug 06, 2007 4:28 pm
iexplore http://[databasewebsite]/ISP_Services/Part_Instance/part_details.asp?ptype=edit&partInsId=[Device.CustomField2]
iexplore http://[database website]/accounts/Location/loc_details.asp?lType=edit&loc_id=[Device.CustomField1]
firefox http://[database website]/accounts/Location/loc_details.asp?lType=edit&loc_id=[Device.CustomField1]
firefox http://[database website]/ISP_Services/Part_Instance/part_details.asp?ptype=edit&partInsId=[Device.CustomField2]
We are in the process of tying it in with our database of customers. We can right click on a device - go to tools and we can open up all information on that part, including address from our database. With firefox or explorer. We want to be able to put the HTTP port, Remote Desktop port and possibly the telnet port into the custom fields so I don't have to create a separate tool to be able to one click remote into devices.
For example, you want to get into a device on 8080 with firefox, you create this tool:
firefox [DeviceType.Url]:8080
But, if you have all sorts of devices on all different HTTP ports it would be much easier to do:
firefox [DeviceType.Url]:[Customfield.4] and completely automate everything. We would also like to tie the dude into our accounting package at some point.
It is really a great product.