I have studied the topic for a lot of time but I am not able to achieve the right results.
https://mum.mikrotik.com/presentations/ ... _Megis.pdf
https://mum.mikrotik.com/presentations/ ... ordano.pdf
I have read these presentations.
this is the situation:
750M symmetric fiber available
WAN interface
and interface towards customers.
router is
profiles are 30/30 100/100 300/300
In the past I used simple queue but they showed some issue of performance.
I migrated to PCQ queues:
This is the situation:
/queue type
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Down-30M pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-rate=30M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Down-100M pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-rate=100M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Up-30M pcq-classifier=src-address pcq-rate=30M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Up-100M pcq-classifier=src-address pcq-rate=100M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Up-300M pcq-classifier=src-address pcq-rate=300M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
add kind=pcq name=PCQ-Down-300M pcq-classifier=dst-address pcq-rate=300M pcq-total-limit=20000KiB
set 13 pcq-rate=750M
set 14 pcq-rate=750M
I have set the default queue uppload and downlaod with the pcq rate of max available bandwidth.
/queue simple
add max-limit=750M/750M name="aggregated" queue=pcq-upload-default/pcq-download-default target=bridge_fiber
add name="user 3" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-100M/PCQ-Down-100M target=
add name="user 4" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-30M/PCQ-Down-30M target=
add name="user 5" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-100M/PCQ-Down-100M target=
add name="user 6" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-300M/PCQ-Down-300M target=
add name="user 7" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-100M/PCQ-Down-100M target=
add name="user 8" parent="aggregated" queue=PCQ-Up-100M/PCQ-Down-100M target=
According to the slides I set the total queue to 20000k for a space of 400 queues per 50 packets (i dont know if it is right or wrong)
I have some questions:
1) total queue size, it should be set to accomodate 50 packets queue * x possible total queue? Please someone explain it to me.
2) With the same configuration replicated to different towers, I am NOT able to get the expected results. In some towers it works, in other DON'T work and users get 3mbit... if I disable the queue it works ok.
3) it is OK to set the maxlimit to "unlimited" and the speed set in the queue type?
HELP please.
I am also available to paid consulting to fine-tune the situation, but I would like to find it with your supporto to at least understand how pcq works.
thank you