I have succesfuly setup a server (ubuntu 6.10se) with slunk (http://www.splunk.com)
Everything works great besides one thing. Event timesteps are wronk. In splunk logs I can see events with tommorows date for example.
I'm remotely logging wireless,info events (connected, disconnected, disconnected, extensive data loss and so on). there are olso strange hours at with data/events are arrived. I atached a picter below.
At first I was thinking that this event are from time after device is restarted and ntp client isn't synchronized time with local time server. So a write a script which block outgoing 514/udp trafiice after the restart until system clock i synchronized.
Code: Select all
ip firewall filter add chain=output protocol=udp dst-port=514 action=drop comment="block syslog";
:while ([system ntp client get status]!=synchronized) do={:delay 1};
ip firewall filter remove [find chain=output comment="block syslog"];
I don't know if it is SPLUNK or MT problem
picture comment: on the top of atached picter there is: Last refreshed, and below are events with tommorows date
looking at logs on MT shows good date and time on remote MT device
does anyone can check this? splunk setup is very easy on debian like systems http://blog.2blocksaway.com/2007/04/03/ ... on-ubuntu/