I have found some problems with Dude 2.2 and 3beta6.
I dont know if it has to do with mistakes of mine of it is a dude problem.
Dude 2.2 doesn´t work with private MIB. In fact, I have installed WiLan MIB on 2.2 but it definitelly doenst work. I cant perform a snmpwalk, however, all the mikrotik´s MIB work very well!. What could be happening?
In the other hand, I have done the same on 3beta6 and its doesn´t work so weel but I can see an OID, walk the equipement, etc.
Then the other problem I have is that Dude 3beta6 is very slow (maybe heavy) on server and on client. You cant drag or move the map like on v2.2 among other issues.
Hence, what am I doing wrong? It is a dude bug? Is it my fault?
Thank a lot!